Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dissapeared, never a good thing

Greetings fellow blog mates,

So yes I dissapeared for quite a while, okay clearly I blame the world cup and my team being out and not allowing me to gloat, but it's a silly excuse, and well won't be used anymore. So why wasn't I around, maybe because my creative writing took a nose dive faster than the New York Islanders chances of winning the stanley cup anytime soon... seriously Garth Snow... you got to be freaking kidding me, but they aren't, and in the end I blame Mad Mike for somehow messing up the Islanders some more. Reminder goalies don't make good GM's, they take way too many shots to the head.

Anyways, i myself am getting my quota of sun each day, probobly over the quota and will get skin cancer in a few years and hate the fact I was a lifeguard... maybe I should add the fact I'll probobly get cataracts and just about any other sun problem one can have, then again maybe not, and that's all for the better. Yes i do wear my sunscreen each day, but when one is in the sun for 5 hours with no stoppage to hit the shade and hide from the sun, one is going to take in alot of wonderful UV rays.
Ah well atleast I have the wonderful racoon eyes.

I would also like to comment that John Slamons is a gigantic moron, firstly for not wanting to go to the Suns and enjoy the run and gun offense, and then not wanting to go to Phoenix North aka Raptors and playing the same sort of game. Could someone tell me what he wishes to do as he has no contract as of right now and well no one is going to offer him any big money, or maybe money doesn't matter and family matters, I'm sure it does Mr. James, errr wait you didn't end up in Houston like you wanted too, hmmmm so it sure isn't family. But yes athletes, espeically in the NBA make me laugh, they think they can ask where to go, and think that team will accept them, sure some of the star players could get away with this, but when your names are Mike James and John Salmons you should just be freaking happy you still have an NBA contract and a wealthy one at that for your play. But then again, what do I know about the culture of the NBA, probobly nothing, only read a book on it, and did my own studying for classes. So alas I'll just shut up before I dig myself a whole I won't get out of.

Reminder to F1, as much as I love watching it, you guys still suck, and haven't been able to change it for 10 plus years, ever since Senna's death has that sport gone nowhere, you ask why, well it's pretty simple, firstly the cars still don't pass each other very often, which I hate to say makes the sport, you have made pitstops mostly ineffective as everyone can do it, you have also cut any dynamic out of the races but the obscene budget some teams are on. Put a budget on how much teams are allowed to research, you are killing the sport, you need more teams to compete so that more people will watch and rather than kill your sport you can grow it. Sure you went into the Asian and Middle East market, but that's not growing your sport in the core market, which is Europe.

Anyways that was a quick post, more on everything shortly... I really really really promise.

Hup Holland