Thursday, November 23, 2006

The weird sensation in the chest feeling

That's what this song bring to me, and maybe to others who knows, and only Holland videos for me.

Just a small quick note, because I had some spare time.

Monday, November 20, 2006

On Notice Edition 1

Well I found something to play with, so never the less the following are on notice according to me and the godful Stephen Colbert.

That is all for this transmission.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Economy... ain't this a sport blog.

Milton Friedman, the economist, the last great economist of the 20th century you might be told died the other day, and I know that for most of you this doesn't mean a whole lot, but considering that I'm slowly developing more and more of a taste for economics it has showed me that the day is now for new big economist to pop up and give out new theories or more appealing theories to explain the human nature of wealth and how to fix issues such as poverty and what governments can do to fix these (by the way governments are a burden, they do nothing but attempt to fix chaos in which they add chaos, sorry Anthony it's true, and don't worry NATO is no better in an economist view). Though Friedman worked with alot of politicians and their campaigns and gave advice, he said this was the only view governments could contol:

"The only thing government should do to control the economy was to control the supply of money. Inflation was caused by too much money chasing too few goods. He was an absolutist on this point, holding that inflation was "always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."

In a way though governments still don't do that, taxes definetly don't help the situation and the fact that governments protect there base rather than allowing free trade it has caused many problems between governments and the economy.

Enough about economy though, it's a sad loss for the community but he did leave a legacy for new economist to follow.

It's all about practice, or not practicing, and well to cheer the mood in the blog I'm leaving you with a bit of a classic pressconference, one that I can watch over and over again, my favourite is his ending comment to it all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What to do about the Sens

Well it's been said that life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what your going to get, but I would like to change that, to I'm a box of chocolate, you never know what mood I'm going to be in. Yes you may all agree with me, my moods are more of a swing of sports happiness, to work lonesomeness, but in the end they can revert quickly as the smallest of things.

You may ask what am I making mention to, but i think it's pretty obvious, sports is alot like that as well, when you are feeling the high you are unbeatable, when your feeling low you can't get out of a slump. Sort of what the Senators are feeling right now, and alot like the republician leaders are feeling in the US. The other day on radio I was asked by my cohost what would I do to fix the Sens, would I do the sweeping changes that Ottawa fans are asking for in firing the whole management and starting fresh? My response to that was, no, sadly I don't think this is the time to implode that organization, it doesn't need to be done, it's alot like Dutch soccer where anytime L'Oranje lose the coach is expected to be fired, but instead this time around his contract was extended. But the thing is some tinkering needs to be done, and these were my suggestions.

#1. Get rid of Alfredsson or strip him of the captain, it has come to that time where Alfredsson is not the captain of that team anymore, it's Redden, he's the leader, Alfredsson is getting lost in the locker room, and personally I think it's a fact that some star players won't listen to a guy that was drafted so low, and in the end this team was built around Redden for the next while.
#2. Admit they made a mistake with Gerber and try get rid of him, he can't play in a market where fans are on him all the time, that's why Carolina was good for him, no media pressure, maybe Tampa Bay could use him, he can get some sun, some beach, stuff they don't have in the Alps, and get him away from snow.
#3. Find a second center, to relieve the pressure off the first line, or atleast someone that can win a freaking face off, that would help.

But those are my suggestions rather than imploding a team, but in the end don't panic, I think Sens fans would much rather have a team that starts slow and ends fast with a Stanley Cup, then one that dominates every season and then comes up short.

As for everything else, that should come later in the week, my stomach is growling at me right now, ah well, hope all is well with everyone out there.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Horses.... yes horses

Yes the topic is horses, those loveable beasts that prance around, and have been used many times to fight wars, hunt things, carry people around, jump over things, and basically have been our bitch for the last 500 years or so, maybe even longer, but then again the camal is a close relative of the horse, so let's just say man uses horses all the time.

Anyways this isn't a heartfelt Barbaro idea, I'm not about to spend the next 3 paragraphs talking about how Barbaro was unfortunate for breaking his leg, he was... but it still amazes me how many people think you can write to a damn horse and he will read it. Maybe that's the thing people believe in what they think can happen and not what reality tells us. Sorry for Barbaro put the only emails you'll get from me are the ones that mock anyone that is writing to you. Giving him a carrot or an apple and tell him to go find a mare and have a good romp in the park.

Moving on from that the story is about a bunch of horses in the Netherlands, that caught my attention today, and the attention of the nation of the Netherlands. Apparently a bunch of horses got trapped after a dyke got flooded over. This left the horses on an island of mud with nowhere to go. So anyways, for the few days not much was done, the hope was the water was too recede. It didn't fast enough and the horses started to starve and die. Which brought the military to come rescue them, they got about 20 of the horses, and couldn't get anymore cause there boats got stuck. So leave it to 4 woman on horses to cross the river and lead all the horses back over a spot that wasn't as deep. Yup that's right apparently the army couldn't think of the idea. Ah well, so the woman saved the day, and now everyone in the netherlands is now worried about the horses and hoping that they eat and make it out all alive. Ah well yes I thought a touching story was needed on this blog every once in a while.

Moving on to some topics that were brought to my attention by one known as AN

1. Why girls smell so nice in the halls. It really makes going to class worthwhile
Girls smell nice so that they can appeal to any blood thirsty male, and to make themselves feel better that other girls don't smell as nice, therefore it's an ugly bloodbath and as Chuck Swarsky would say "She's bleeding profously from the neck area... too much perfume on that one". So yes those that win are the guys who spend there time smelling said girl in hopes to get their number.
2. The rudeness in not answering an e-mail when you know they are expecting a response
Rudeness is not answering an email, but then again it depends who you are talking too, significant other; better reply right away or your dead, friends; you have one day if you are not busy - 3 days if you have a herniated disc because of what you did to someone the night before, coworker; 5 days, take as long as you want, rudeness is expected you work with him, randomstranger; expect the unexpected, don't reply, they might want to take you somewhere.

Sports issues
1. Well Chara scored a goal against the Sens to win the game, doesn't mean I'm about to start cheering for the man... nope I'll cheer when he gets traded in 4 years time
2. Soccer, soccer, soccer, what can I say, I enjoy UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup, still the most exciting tournament to watch every year, makes league play look like a waste of time to watch... I just need another goalie injury on Chelsea so I can see Terry in net again
3. B-ball season has started, it's great, it makes for a great 6 months, if only they could get rid of the slow play for the last 5 minutes of the game, I hate the commercials then
4. Memo to Isiah Thomas your 1-0, good job, just don't blow leads like Elton John blows.... okay I won't write the rest of the comment
5. I need a new sport to watch, someone mention something, anything, something new and dynamic that I should check out


Okay hope everyone is doing well, the final assignment time is starting to show up, hope all our ready for it, good luck and in the end remember that school doesn't really matter, it's about the friends and people you meet that mean the most, something that even i need to remind myself about sometimes.