Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Vote for Rory

Ah yes, I'm come out of the basement to write a column, you can all start congratulating me right about now... okay kidding, school took over my life the last 3 weeks and any chance of me writing something went down the drain, go figure eh. Ah well the big exam stretch is over, got one left and well some things I need to get off my chest.

Like first off the vote for Rory Fitzpatrick idea, i'll be honest this caught me attention about 3 weeks ago and I haven't been able to really stop voting for the guy. It's all about voting for Rory, you may ask why would you do this, do you really expect a journeyman defensemen to make it, well I do, and it's simply because of the idea that people do indeed make a difference with how they vote. We are always told our vote matters, but in federal politics is never seems to count, as youngster's we become naive with the idea of voting because we know our elders will just pick their ways before our ways matter. This is a chance to show that people can make a difference and you vote matter. The vote for Rory campaign and has caught steam and he is only 100k votes short... I know that seems like a lot but just last week he was 190k votes short, so as you can see he is making progress... *I'll add here that I've voted 150 times for the poor man already*

Anyways it just grabbed my attention today that someone came up with the genius idea to put up attack ads for him. And so without furthur ado i will post them here.

So there's that, please feel free to go to the following hyperlink Vote for Rory, and it will give you instructions on how to vote for him and where to vote for him.