Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Schumacher to the rescue

Oh leave it to Michael Schumacher to get me out of my daze of exams and into a blogging mood. Apparently my comatose state can now be called officially over, and you ask why would this be the case. Well simple Schumacher commandeered his own taxi and drove it down the autobahn in record minivan taxi speed.

So the full story about Schumacher is as follows, apparently he went to go pick up a dog an Australian Shepherd, and once he had picked up the dog with his wife and two children he noticed that they were a little late getting back to the airfield for their flight home. Well in doing so el master driver, politely asked the cab driver if he could drive the vehicle, which the cab driver readily agreed too, and Schumacher drove down the autobahn in a minivan, clocking just about 160km per hour and according to the drive making passes that only he wished he could make and kept the peddle to the metal even around corners.

So which begs the question... with Schumacher in retirement, isn't there a bunch of jobs he could take over and save countless lives, or time for other individuals... could you see the money he could make on the autobahn driving people safely to there destination as quickly as possible, or what about these following sources of employment.

5. Firetruck Driver: A big red truck, sure he has never raced trucks before, nor has he ever entered into any NASCAR truck series, but I figure he can learn quickly and be able to put that lack of a turning radius in the truck to go use.
4. The Organ Donor Driver: Yes I know that this gets flown in and such, but sometimes it gets driven from hospital to hospital, and who better at making sure a timely delivery occurs other than Schumacher... though currently Lewis Hamilton is giving him a run for his money.
3. The Fed Ex Delivery Man: Everyone needs to get there mail, and fed-ex does like to promise next morning delivery, or same day delivery for that matter, so you can replace all those bicycle delivery boys in Boston and replace them with Schumacher, he can do the job quicker and more efficiently then anyone else on the earth.
2. Pizza Delivery Boy: The smell of pizza comes to mind, you want it hot, you want it on time and you don't want to lose money because of late pizzas, so call in Michael, who can make all the right moves so that you can have a salami and cheese pizza.
1. Ambulance Driver: This is probably the best job for him, he can save lifes, and has good reflexes and find the holes through traffic to get to the hospital, as well, since he won't have as big of a vehicle unlike that firetruck he can make more use of the lights and horns and pretend that he is racing for the championship with the crowd cheering him on.