Tuesday, August 15, 2006



This is the briefest of messages, just had to post the video though, couldn't help myself considering I always remember it. In the following video it will show you the proper way to charge the mound, which is you need to make sure no one can tackle you from behind. So without furthur ado, for all you baseball brawlers, who just need to get out from beside the plate and hit that dirt hill so that you can take a lousy swing at the pitcher and probobly miss. Let's face it, baseball players can't fight.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thunked Notes 1.2

Just a quickie here, and no not the kind of quickie anyone is thinking about, yes I know you all thought it was an ESPN report... sorry my mind didn't go that far down the gutter like some would have hoped it would have with that word.

Firstly, off to Kingston to enjoy to solitude of a house, maybe i'll have internet connection, than again maybe not. Either or shall be an interesting night, as per the norm I'm a slave for going down with friends. I really got to stop writing everything can take on a sexual meaning today.

In other news I'm glad tight pants boy, errr Nadal lost in tennis, made me worry less about the spanish people, I would have felt better though if someone had mixed in a Portugal's Spain comment in the broadcast, or Canada's Oregon, or something along those lines, maybe even a Ottawa's Kingston... yes that's right the queen picked us, get over the fact that you didn't become the big town Kingston... just enjoy the king in your name, you swine.

Football is coming up, and every Bengal's player is trying to make the team by getting put in jail for the best reason, but never fear until Maurice Clarrett makes the team anyone has a chance to win.

Baseball, it's baseball I continue to forget about it. Now off again I go to lalaland to enjoy a little trip.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thunked Notes 1.1

Plain and simple, sometimes I come out with random words to use as a catch phrase, other times I just am plain stupid and come up with a term that really probobly won't work or catch on at all, but well it just sounds funny. So here comes the thunked notes version. My new way of spurting off random ideas on different subjects, so that it comes and hits you straight in the noggin.

Firstly because I am not French it is time for me to way in on that wonderful contreversy known as the tour the france, plain and simple Floyd Landis cheated, and did a hell of a job doing it. But I'm not going to say he should be disqualified, actually in fact I'm going to applaud the man, I congratulate him for trying to cheat, but shame on him for getting caught. Let's be honest if we really wanted to make sports easier we should just let everyone cheat. This way we don't have to worry about every athlete cheating, as it will be the ones that can cheat the best will win. Yes this could have an impact on the younger generations, yes the health affects are negative, but if you are that driven to win for short term glory and an early passing, well it's your choice, go for it. So realistically, I wish Dick Pound would shut up for once, that more people would cheat and get caught, and that everyone would give up on how bad steroids are for you, if you want to fix something, how about you start with banning fast food, that will have more of an impact on health than that of steroids.

Reminder to the Iberian Penisula, when fighting forest fires, make sure to use enough water to stop a blaze, if blaze is 20 feet high, make sure to have an escape plan, and a car that can go faster than the wind is blowing the flames. Just some helpful knowledge to all those brothers fighting fires in Portugal (I gurantee you some arson set them because Portugal lost)

Harry Sinden, aka the bastard who hasn't won a cup for the Bruins in 30 years. Okay so I like the man somewhat, he hasn't been that bad, just in the last 5 to 10 years I've come to question some of his moves, I think the mind just started to go blank there. But then again he did bring us Neely for nothing, and well we did win a couple of stanley cups with him around. I just think it was time for him to move on, and you can tell he didn't want to, but it was either resign, or get fired, and well resigning just looks so much better in the public eye. So thanks for the service Harry, but also thank goodness you are gone. Next up a new owner for the Bruins, instead of the Fire Millen campaign I now direct you to the Fire Jacobs campaign.

On a side note of the last comment, will the Bruins be giving out bobbleheads of Jeremy Jacobs on opening night to create a riot. Sort of like the stanley cup did last year, when 50% of them ended up on the ice to end the game. Just a strategic move Jacobs to see your popularity.

Next up, what does Heather Mills (formely McCartney) and Ben Roethlisberger have in common... simple they have both been in accidents involving motorcycles. Ben messed up his grill and probobly the Steelers chances to repeat this year and Heather lost a leg. Now they do have differences, Ben was the moron riding the motorcycle, and Heather was the moron who didn't hear the siren on the police motorcycle that hit her. Really I just had to put that out there so you could all see that my mind works in different ways, not always the proper way.

Now to baseball for a quick second.... Blue Jays are sucking.

Moving on from baseball, told you it was a quick second.

Soccer also known a football, time for the leagues to start up shortly, and time for me to get on PSV jersey and hope for a good year of glory, hell I'll cheer on any dutch team in the Champions league, and pray that Juventus continues to suck for 3 years after that cheating scandal... again cheating is only good when you don't get caught.

That's all for today's version on thunked, I would like to thank all those who read the coloumn, the more you post the more it inspires me to write.


P.S. Jose I know you are going off to fight forest fires in Portugal, make sure to save the farm, and grab some roast beef... and yes I'm still expecting you to call soon.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Zidane headbutt an art form?

Greetings my always happy to hear from me friends.

Well after a hiatus on a 2 day camping trip, which I might add was quite relaxing, let me tell you, the whole no moving thing and lying in a hammock all day long reading a book was probobly the most needed thing ever... I may buy a hammock and put in in my backyard, and just swing from it all day long, or atleast that's what I would like to do.

But enough about my life, i'll post a couple of camping pictures and move on with my life back to the sporting world... well this time the art world. By now everyone has seen the Zidane headbutt, it has become more popular that the song who let the dogs out was 4 years ago. *Yes I still replay the headbutt, it cracks me up*. But now it has become an art form, a musical art form. So without furthur ado, I have to lead you to the song that was made just for Zidane's headbut. It's called coup de boule and was writing by three associates of La Plage Records, a small label specializing in jingles and sound effects. Coup de Boule, in french means head butt in english, just to make sure you all get your daily dose of translations provided by myself. But yes it's quite a catch reggae inspired tune. I know I'll probobly play it over and over again for the next week or so. But without furthur ado. Here it is, in all it's glory.