Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Zidane headbutt an art form?

Greetings my always happy to hear from me friends.

Well after a hiatus on a 2 day camping trip, which I might add was quite relaxing, let me tell you, the whole no moving thing and lying in a hammock all day long reading a book was probobly the most needed thing ever... I may buy a hammock and put in in my backyard, and just swing from it all day long, or atleast that's what I would like to do.

But enough about my life, i'll post a couple of camping pictures and move on with my life back to the sporting world... well this time the art world. By now everyone has seen the Zidane headbutt, it has become more popular that the song who let the dogs out was 4 years ago. *Yes I still replay the headbutt, it cracks me up*. But now it has become an art form, a musical art form. So without furthur ado, I have to lead you to the song that was made just for Zidane's headbut. It's called coup de boule and was writing by three associates of La Plage Records, a small label specializing in jingles and sound effects. Coup de Boule, in french means head butt in english, just to make sure you all get your daily dose of translations provided by myself. But yes it's quite a catch reggae inspired tune. I know I'll probobly play it over and over again for the next week or so. But without furthur ado. Here it is, in all it's glory.


Anonymous said...

Twas a good trip.

Good times indeed.

Thanks for being there man.

I shall watch this ridiculosity LATER!

Anonymous said...

Hey Headhunting Canuck, have you had any trouble updating your site at blogger.com?

For some reason I get an error every time I log in...