Thursday, October 26, 2006

If your kid sweats you can get money, wonderful slogan for this new tax rebate

Ah yes the title, yes it's one that makes me laugh, actually it makes me laugh alot, that society and Canada in general have gone this far to get kids to exercise to reduce the obscene rise in obesity rate that is plaguing Canada and North America for that matter. But yes the study done by a bunch of consultants to figure out how best to give away the 500 dollars a year per family for physical activity was announced today. Or atleast it was announced on how they should go about giving the money away, as alot of arts and culture people are getting angry that sports gets money. I'm sorry to tell you guys that the arts are important, but it's not going to lessen the obesity rate much, I know as much as you hate to hear that, it's the truth and you will have to live with it.

Anyways this is what the panel recommended
* The tax credit not be issued unless the activity includes at least one session per week for a minimum of eight weeks.
* For children under 10, eligible activities should include at least 30 minutes of sustained and vigorous activity.
* For those over 10, the time rises to 60 minutes.
* The federal government let parents claim up to $500, but give them an annual maximum of $78.50 per child.

What I find really funny about it all is if the kid sweats he should given money, while you could say that eating can make someone sweet and it can be a sustained and vigorous activity if you are in an eating competition. Okay yes maybe I'm going to far there, but I just find it hilarious that the government had to waste a lot of money to figure out how they are going to give 78.50 dollars a year to each kid that does something active. But in the end I guess it's good they are doing some proactive, but really they could do alot better. How about changing rules at schools that don't permit kids to play such sports as dodgeball or tag because kids can get hurt. I'm sorry I don't like seeing kids get hurt, but at the same time more damage is being done to more kids by not letting them do physical activity. Cause we all see the effects now with that wonderful obesity rate and the lack of social skills among kids these days.

Which considering I'm going down this path I should continue, kids should be allowed to explore somewhat, find out who they are by investigating the world, not everything is white and black like the world has now been painted for kids. Again you can make a case that keeping kids entertained inside the house is worse for them with video games. Sure you know they are safe, but how are they supposed to learn how to act other people then their families. There are lots of kids that don't get to explore the world and then when they get to school or even the university life they can't communicate to others, they don't know how to go about, it's just not normal to them. So maybe we should give out money to kids that explore the world as well. Just a thought anyways, probobly a wee bit far fetched, but then again that's why I write this, cause it's my idea and my hope/interest for it to happen.

*Small notes section*
-Les Habs... please trade Sergei back to Boston, we will give you Chara
-Soccer... nothing of interest, except for the nibble event last weekend, Good job Germaine Defoe
-Baseball... world series eh. 4th game on right now... yes I'm riveted to my tv screen right now, oh wait that's a lie
-Hockey... hey after tonight Sens/Leafs series is half over, thank goodness, i don't want to hear the word idiot announced again
-Auto Racing... congrats go out to Mr. Alonso for beating Schumacher, you made my year I'm glad that Kraut didn't win a last championship
-Weather... start snowing already... I want to be blanketed in 30 cm of snow by next week please and thank you

To everyone out there I hope the midterm season is treating you well and all, keep up the good work and until next time. Good night now.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Recovering Addict

Yes you would wonder about that title, I know I know, it's a confusing state of mind and things, but there are alot of things that can describe a recovering addict, no it's not drugs I'm into, and no I haven't joined the smoking club Andrew (yes I do realize you are trying to quit, but it's my attention to make a silly remark as well), but no i'm trying to recover my sleeping pattern, which sadly doesn't seem to want to recover, and therefore I am an addict to bad sleeping patterns, maybe I'll fix it one day, but for now no such luck. Anyways I'm here to entertain you with a few ideas and to add a wonderful little music video and song that I can't get out of my head right now.

10 things I have to ask about sports this week.

10. Now did we really have to waste 6 games of baseball, that takes about 4 hours each to play, simple just play the 1 game between the Cardinals and Mets and stop having me to watch baseball highlights, no it's fun to play, but it's no compelling to watch unless your in the stadium (and yes I realize I'm going to take grief for that statement, that's why I said it)

9. Will the Dutch stop their disgusting display of cutting veterans and then pretending to invite old veterans back, just pick up Seedorf, move on with your life Van Basten, and fix the god damn midfielder... thank you from all Dutch Soccer Fans (L'Oranje for Life)

8. Fantasy basketball drafts are a way of life, or atleast for me, as sad as that may sound, it's even sadder how much time I spend trying to trade players because it's fun... okay so really I should not look at my team again and study, it's only the freaking preseason.

7. Congrats to the Detroit Tigers, finishing the series in 4 games was alot more compelling to me, you got it freaking done and have a close to 40 year old pitcher with the name of Kenny Rogers anchoring you, how can I now say I'm gambiling for you to win.

6. Memo to the Ottawa Senators... you can't lose all your games before the playoffs, as much as this strategy might finally pay off for you, but you can't you need to get into the playoffs... which I should take note, Boston, congrats on being pathetic, I quite enjoy seeing our defense with the big Chara look like swiss cheese.

5. Wonderful, brilliant, congrats F1, any chance you can cut down the season another 10 races would be greatly appreciated, okay I'm joking about that, while our series expands is nice to see one that contracts and can still make money doing so, go figure, wonder if baseball or hockey, or basketball could think of doing this.

4. To Dynamo Chelski (Chelsea of the EPL), I play keeper, hire me please, won't ask for much money, just want chance to prove myself to Mourinho. And don't worry I wouldn't have any pressure in regards to football... yes look at the video below

3. I would like to congratulate the Philly Flyers for giving Philidelphia something different to talk about in that town then that crap about T.0. where nothing happened. Atleast the Flyers are changing there team and throwing things around, that's more than can be said of what happened at that game a while back... it's okay Bobby you will lose your job soon enough.

2. The Buzzsaw learnt how to blow a lead better than Paris Hilton and Lance Bass combined know how to blow men... yes I went there, but that's only because Matt Leinart and Brian Urlacher have done the deed to ms. Hilton. Which begs the question, what's the over under for Paris per night... is 2.5 men, or 1.75 blow jobs or 0.5 videos... feel free to take me up on any of those odds.

1. Mike Tyson, I pray you fight a kangaroo, just so I can laugh at it later, no I'm not going to pay money to see it, but I'm more than willing to watch it... here's a better suggestion, how about fight OJ Simpson to a death match somewhere in some country that allows these sort of matches... North Korea could be an interesting sight, maybe they can drop the bomb and we can be rid of both... or then again all my entertainment value would be gone.

Anyways I hope that all you recovering addicts have some place to go and someone to take you on... I leave you with the following music video, which is my favourite 80's video I've come across yet.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Basketball draft as it happens

Well, it's 8:30 at night, and because I feel like it's a good idea to for once blog an opinion on something in the real world, I've went to the fantasy instead. Yes that's right it's the 6th or 7th anunal fantasy b-ball draft... yup I know I sound like a real winner. But it our way of keeping the gang together and having some fun at the same time. So yes that's what will happen. Now to get down to a bit of business, firstly Dustin is the defending champion of this league and has decided to pick at #2. Which is probobly a good choice... hate to decided who to choose at #1. As for those that live with me, Jose is at the 4th spot, myself at #6 and Mike at #10. Now to give anyone a little background, we've been researching for the last week, not that it means anything, just something for us to be entertained with. We also have erected a podium to announce our draft picks, along with a flag, and hopefully some compadres to clap there hands... but maybe not that far. And if we can pull it off we will put some of the video online, but that will be determined later.

So round by round, I will try keep up and either mock or give props, and just try to immortilize anything silly that comes about... from Thunder Bay Ontario, I'm Benny McCarthy reporting live.

Round 1.
Well going into this draft I sort of expect it to go Lebron, Kobe, Marion, KG, Wade... but that's just me... I could be completely wrong, which I've been known to do. Just my thought to start this off. So I've been informed it won't be Lebron... well then I'll just shut up and watch the draft and see how it progresses. Marion goes #1, I like the selection, it's what you wish to do with your team. James, and then KG go... it's all good picks. Jose takes Bryant, no other choice on that one. Brand goes at #5... leaving me with choice but to take Dirk... ah well he can do everything so I can't complain. Then Wade, Arenas, and Nash go next... little early on Nash, all he does is assists in the end, no defensive presence. Allen goes to Mike at #10, followed by Paul, Duncan, Pierce, Bosh... that ends Round 1.

Round 2
Okay so after that entertainment we move on to round 2... home on the range, in reverse order for all. Amare, Dwight and AK47 go in the first 3. McGrady goes next to a fan of Ming... I guess that works, he is a rocket. Mike is up now... I have a feeling AI will go... and I was correct perfectly. Fez takes J O'Neal... no one in this room thought that would be a collect selection. Chuck picks Ming, probobly a very strong selection in the end. Diaw goes next, and I'm up... well after small deliberation I went and picked Richardson, I keep getting him in every draft... maybe I overrate the guy, ah well, it's a solid pick in my mind. Near goes and takes Josh Smith... I think you can overrate a guy, and then you go and draft him in the second round... ah well I guess he blocks your mom after all, or steals her. Well Jose is up... what does he have instore for us... And he picks Jason Kidd... surprised... will get him assists. Carlos takes Carter, I like the pick... Wallace goes next to Dustin. Billups goes last in the round to Jason.

Round 3
Jason is on the board again, got to love how the snake works... he goes and picks Lamar... well done, great pick. Dustin takes Artest, Carlos takes Joe Johnson. Jose is up and he is asking himself what is availble, other than his sister not very much. Well he takes Brad Miller, he needed a stiff pool in the room... or stabiblity, whatever you like to call it. Near is up next. Takes my pick with Carmelo, leaves me no choice but to take Rashard Lewis... didn't want him, but he was there and the best availble. Hinrich, Bibby and Redd go next in a row. Mike is up next... taking his time, doing his scouting I assume, and about to make his selection to the world... he picks Atwain Jamieson... kind of scares me... but he likes the Tarheels... so he selects him (as Jose points out he tarred and feather me). Camby goes next... he's great for an injury or two a season... I like him and all, just wish he could stay healthy for more than 30 games. Rasheed goes next, nothing to say there... yay Wallace I guess. Chris Webber goes next (Mike wonders why... so do I), up next is Cousy... wonder what he will take. Oh wait he takes Iquodala... we all love our 76'ers back to back.

Round 4
Shaq is taking, followed by Davis, and then Wallace, then Jefferson... trying to concentrate don't have as much to say. Mike is up, he takes Okafor... no surprise he has a love for UCONN players. Okur, Peja, Gasol... followed by me picking Marbury, and then the overrated Tyson Chandler. Next up is Jose who will he pick. He picks the bearded European... well done Illgauskas... two quality centers so far. Boozer goes next... for a second there is their anyplace worse than a mormon state for him... no wonder he gets injured all the time... followed by Felton and then Chris Kaman.

Round 5
Mike James gets picked, intriguing. Tony Parker representing team french goes next. Terry goes to Carlos... I like the pick. Jose on the board, MANU... getting his south american fix. Samuel goes next, followed by me picking Maggette. Then Al Harrington, and then Butler and then Ford. Up next is Mike, he picks Howard. Randolph goes next, then Cassell, then Villneuva and then Mohammed.

okay okay, 9 more rounds went by and I refuse to blog about them... mostly because well frankly things got way too insane and I had to actually concentrate on the whole matter and all. So keep in mind everyone that I did put in some effort. Anyways in the end I'll have to try give a post analysis of some sort.

Personally my favourite team at the moment is Jason's... congrats you used the first pick to your full advantage and made some times plicks when it count. After that it's a pick type league, it's all depends on what categories people decide to go for, and who makes the shrewedest acquisitions and pickups throughout the year.

As for my team, I don't mind it, I did what I wanted too, going to make a few moves and watch to see if my team pans out. The three amigos in phase 3 put forth a great effort, and the podium was brilliant.

Hopefully we will put video up soon enough of what we were up to for the first few rounds... but that will take some time, lots of video editing to happen, but it all fairness it was probobly the funniest thing we have ever concieved up here. To all who were at the draft I thank you for being there and hope you enjoyed. You were all very ballsy with your picks.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Might as well put a big Z on his shirt.


So it was announced some days ago that Zdeno Chara (that loveable big man that the Bruins overpaid to get) will be the captain of the Boston Bruins... *I think my initial reaction to that was... who and what the *A%&@@* .... why.... *

And to be perfectly honest I'm still in that boat with the idea... I just don't get it, did we really have no one else in the Bruins organization that could be the captain, someone that has actually spent enough time with the team to actually understand the team dynamic. It's like telling Chris Pronger, hey welcome to Anaheim... here's the C, now don't go cheat on your wife so that we have to ship you off somewhere (oh wait that wife part already happened allegdealy). Moving along I really can't quite figure out why he was picked as the captain, it stumbs me, i am glad they didn't give it to Bergeron yet, he's too young and the pressure in Boston is too huge to be young and a captain (reminder of the Thorton trade... bah that still angers me). But there were other candidates... 2 that I think really could have been. The first is Glen Muarry, the man has been around hockey long enough to know it all and well, he's been with the bruins alot longer than Chara has been, for goodness sakes. Oh well maybe he's too old to be a captain... well then if we seem to like European captains, why not maybe choose the penalty killing specialist PJ Axelson (by far my fav. choice to have been the next Bruins captain). He's played with the team for years, known how to deal with the personel, and has never been a cancer or anything in the dressing room, he shows with his work ethic, which if you ask me is always a positive way to go about things. But hey, the Bruins choice Chara who will be bumbiling on the blue line all day and get accolades for looking like Hal Gill (by the way not a good thing in my opinion, oh well maybe they will let him play the tough guy role as well, break his hand... be a good fight, Chara vs McGratton, be there)

Enough ranting on Chara, probobly took up more space then he should have, sort of like him in general. Well another video the post... let's just say the Colbert Report is getting up there on my fav. tv show to watch radar... anything to do with an eagle blaming Canada and so forth is a good thing. Or naming things after an eagle works just as well. So enjoy the posted video.

In other news, Holland has 2 friendlies in the next week, ummm let's see if the turmoil of that team continues. Van Bommel gets picked again (why is beyond me) and then refuses to play for the favourtism showing son of a gun Marco Van Basten (yes I said I used to like him, that was until the Portugal match). So Van Bommel won't play, Ruud doesn't trust him yet, and well we are in for an interesting week again. He better win both games... anything less than that and Co Adriense will be coach... mark my words, it's called being a coach in Holland and coaching the national team.

Everyone enjoy your turkey... I'll be heating mine in a microwave... yup you heard that one right, no stove or oven leaves me with the only other route, which is microwavable food... you stay classy Thunder Bay.