Friday, October 20, 2006

Recovering Addict

Yes you would wonder about that title, I know I know, it's a confusing state of mind and things, but there are alot of things that can describe a recovering addict, no it's not drugs I'm into, and no I haven't joined the smoking club Andrew (yes I do realize you are trying to quit, but it's my attention to make a silly remark as well), but no i'm trying to recover my sleeping pattern, which sadly doesn't seem to want to recover, and therefore I am an addict to bad sleeping patterns, maybe I'll fix it one day, but for now no such luck. Anyways I'm here to entertain you with a few ideas and to add a wonderful little music video and song that I can't get out of my head right now.

10 things I have to ask about sports this week.

10. Now did we really have to waste 6 games of baseball, that takes about 4 hours each to play, simple just play the 1 game between the Cardinals and Mets and stop having me to watch baseball highlights, no it's fun to play, but it's no compelling to watch unless your in the stadium (and yes I realize I'm going to take grief for that statement, that's why I said it)

9. Will the Dutch stop their disgusting display of cutting veterans and then pretending to invite old veterans back, just pick up Seedorf, move on with your life Van Basten, and fix the god damn midfielder... thank you from all Dutch Soccer Fans (L'Oranje for Life)

8. Fantasy basketball drafts are a way of life, or atleast for me, as sad as that may sound, it's even sadder how much time I spend trying to trade players because it's fun... okay so really I should not look at my team again and study, it's only the freaking preseason.

7. Congrats to the Detroit Tigers, finishing the series in 4 games was alot more compelling to me, you got it freaking done and have a close to 40 year old pitcher with the name of Kenny Rogers anchoring you, how can I now say I'm gambiling for you to win.

6. Memo to the Ottawa Senators... you can't lose all your games before the playoffs, as much as this strategy might finally pay off for you, but you can't you need to get into the playoffs... which I should take note, Boston, congrats on being pathetic, I quite enjoy seeing our defense with the big Chara look like swiss cheese.

5. Wonderful, brilliant, congrats F1, any chance you can cut down the season another 10 races would be greatly appreciated, okay I'm joking about that, while our series expands is nice to see one that contracts and can still make money doing so, go figure, wonder if baseball or hockey, or basketball could think of doing this.

4. To Dynamo Chelski (Chelsea of the EPL), I play keeper, hire me please, won't ask for much money, just want chance to prove myself to Mourinho. And don't worry I wouldn't have any pressure in regards to football... yes look at the video below

3. I would like to congratulate the Philly Flyers for giving Philidelphia something different to talk about in that town then that crap about T.0. where nothing happened. Atleast the Flyers are changing there team and throwing things around, that's more than can be said of what happened at that game a while back... it's okay Bobby you will lose your job soon enough.

2. The Buzzsaw learnt how to blow a lead better than Paris Hilton and Lance Bass combined know how to blow men... yes I went there, but that's only because Matt Leinart and Brian Urlacher have done the deed to ms. Hilton. Which begs the question, what's the over under for Paris per night... is 2.5 men, or 1.75 blow jobs or 0.5 videos... feel free to take me up on any of those odds.

1. Mike Tyson, I pray you fight a kangaroo, just so I can laugh at it later, no I'm not going to pay money to see it, but I'm more than willing to watch it... here's a better suggestion, how about fight OJ Simpson to a death match somewhere in some country that allows these sort of matches... North Korea could be an interesting sight, maybe they can drop the bomb and we can be rid of both... or then again all my entertainment value would be gone.

Anyways I hope that all you recovering addicts have some place to go and someone to take you on... I leave you with the following music video, which is my favourite 80's video I've come across yet.

1 comment:

Joe H. said...

GREAT post! :D

I need better sleep patterns as well.