Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What to do about the Sens

Well it's been said that life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what your going to get, but I would like to change that, to I'm a box of chocolate, you never know what mood I'm going to be in. Yes you may all agree with me, my moods are more of a swing of sports happiness, to work lonesomeness, but in the end they can revert quickly as the smallest of things.

You may ask what am I making mention to, but i think it's pretty obvious, sports is alot like that as well, when you are feeling the high you are unbeatable, when your feeling low you can't get out of a slump. Sort of what the Senators are feeling right now, and alot like the republician leaders are feeling in the US. The other day on radio I was asked by my cohost what would I do to fix the Sens, would I do the sweeping changes that Ottawa fans are asking for in firing the whole management and starting fresh? My response to that was, no, sadly I don't think this is the time to implode that organization, it doesn't need to be done, it's alot like Dutch soccer where anytime L'Oranje lose the coach is expected to be fired, but instead this time around his contract was extended. But the thing is some tinkering needs to be done, and these were my suggestions.

#1. Get rid of Alfredsson or strip him of the captain, it has come to that time where Alfredsson is not the captain of that team anymore, it's Redden, he's the leader, Alfredsson is getting lost in the locker room, and personally I think it's a fact that some star players won't listen to a guy that was drafted so low, and in the end this team was built around Redden for the next while.
#2. Admit they made a mistake with Gerber and try get rid of him, he can't play in a market where fans are on him all the time, that's why Carolina was good for him, no media pressure, maybe Tampa Bay could use him, he can get some sun, some beach, stuff they don't have in the Alps, and get him away from snow.
#3. Find a second center, to relieve the pressure off the first line, or atleast someone that can win a freaking face off, that would help.

But those are my suggestions rather than imploding a team, but in the end don't panic, I think Sens fans would much rather have a team that starts slow and ends fast with a Stanley Cup, then one that dominates every season and then comes up short.

As for everything else, that should come later in the week, my stomach is growling at me right now, ah well, hope all is well with everyone out there.


Anonymous said...

Finally an update!

I really don't know what is wrong with Gerber. I'm not sure what we could get by dealing him. I'd give him some more time before throwing in the towel on him.

One thing is clear, this is not the same Ottawa Senators of previous years.


Joe H. said...

"But those are my suggestions rather than imploding a team, but in the end don't panic, I think Sens fans would much rather have a team that starts slow and ends fast with a Stanley Cup, then one that dominates every season and then comes up short."

YES! exactly.

Anonymous said...

now, how about the raptors. They start off mediocre and end abysmally. Like a Hollywood story gone wrong, around game 50 they put a string of 'w''s together giving everybody hope. But this hope is a pipedream as they begin to collapse 15 games later and by the time game 75 rolls around they are playing their bench. Being eliminated from the playoffs stings but the fans have a twinkle in their eye as they look back upon their recent winning streak and think to themselves, 'next year will be our year'.

Anonymous said...

PS: Swiss Cheese defence doesn't help the raptors. I think I posted earlier about the difficulty in winning games where they give up 100+ pts. They don't need offense, just some defense.

Joe H. said...

About the RAPS:

All the defense they need is AN to lock down the paint on defense. He'll get the rebound and send an outlet pass to Kyle for some transition offense. If the outlet pass isn't available, they'll need Eli to handle the perimeter and the mid-court. He'll either shoot or pass to Cousy, the swingman, or down low to Carlos and Dustin in the post.

Yep, it's a good plan. Watch out Sam, I'm coming to take your job.

Headhunting Canuck said...
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Headhunting Canuck said...

I count 6 men on the court there Joe, that's not legal.

Anonymous said...

Alfie isn't the problem.

They'll come around. Leave the team to figure it out for themselves.

It is this adversity that will (hopefully) bring them closer together as a team, and make them a force to be reckoned with in March and April.


PeaCe =)