Sunday, October 24, 2010

ACKL Power Rankings 2010-11 1st Edition

Greetings, the season is near, I've just finished watching all of season 2 of Jersey Shore in 2 days and figure that the nightmare of my life is finally over... yes watching that show more than once a week would drive most people insane, watching it in 2 days has given me a new appreciation for the lack of sophistication in Canadian girls until it comes time to do the deed in which they fake bunt and get out of sight. Anyways this has inspired me a tad, well enough for me to relate to the power rankings, only so that I get my sanity back. So without further ado, let us go over the numbers.

1st Edition (Pre-season week)

The Contenders
Yes winning the league and being on top of the league is the same as being able to show you can do a good jersey shore fist pump dance, and well I just enjoy watching this on repeat and wondering if this is their exercise for the day or not. But alas last year our champ Carlos fist pumped his way to victory and after a good draft for him, he is ready to lead everyone to the MVP promise land. 

1. Skittles and Roses (Carlos)
 Best team out there on paper, can't beat his top 8 when they are put together, and his depth is enough that he is again looking like the winner of the league. One day the trading away high draft picks will get to him, but for now we might as well just put his name on the trophy again.
2. The Khan Artists (Mike)
Had the most draft picks, had the best draft, and again has the deepest team around, his talent is getting better with age and if he can hijack a superstar and not lose much depth he will be on top of Carlos like Snookie was on top of Vinny that one night.
3. Kingscourt Jester (Dustin)
Good draft, though if Phoenix has learnt any thing in the preseason, Robin Lopez and Hedo at the 4 and 5 is a defensive disaster. Has the Wade injury to watch out for the moment, but in the end looks ready to put together another solid season as long as the geriatrics unit stays away.
4. Indian Burial Curse (Kyle)
Where to start, has a 24 minute keeper in Ming, has another keeper that might get some minutes (Thompson), but it buried in Sac town, because other GM's can't draft properly(Khan). So is now stuck in a rut that he can't get out of. Can't count him out with the likes of LBJ and Deron, but hasn't thrilled either, going to be based on what he achieves early in the season in returns for players he drafts.

The Unknown Quantity
 For a few years now one man has defied us that studying in the league does not breed a winning team, and that not studying also does not allow you to win. So basically he tries, he fails, he doesn't try he fails. So instead he goes to sleep and we one day wait for Cinderella to wake him up.

5. Mystery Meat (Joe)
As the name states, he is a mystery, got talent at the top, could move himself up, but does he wake up. Only time will tell, but I will say this, Dwight Howard will be his best player this year. 

Gasping at the price
 For some GM's they are stuck looking at the prize and cringing, now that prize may be a red thong, or it may be a silver plattered trophy, but none the less they are again stuck in no man's land, watching and waiting. A lot like Sammi's and Ron's relationship, if is going forward, backwards, upwards, downwards... or are they just stuck. Time will tell.

6. Gucci's Gangster (Near)
Team is becoming younger and hasn't made any silly trades this year, being patient with Blake, and that will hopefully turn into a marriage made in heaven. Needs to continuing building up, and in a couple years time could be something to reckon with.
7. Halifax Rainman (Scott)
Team Old, really it is on life support this year. Can't see much coming out of it, and sooner or later the big blow up will occur... I suspect trading deadline this year, but not much to watch and see, what you have is what you get. A team that would scare me if we were back in circa 2003. 

Running from the Prize
 Now the Snookie run in repeat is funny, yet scary on too many levels. First off watching her run in fluffy shoes is good way to crack me up. While using one arm to keep her moving along. While wearing ridiculous glasses that she can barely see out of. She's a train wreck, and is a lot like the last 3 teams. All teams are rebuilding in some format, but for this year, they will be spending time counting how many times Snookie's funbags bounce in this clip.

8.Broken Ankle Rehab (Eli)
Best of the worst at the moment, needs to be careful though, has to watch which of his picks run, and which don't and make changes quick. But having Granger, makes him a bigger beast to beat up on. 
9. Future Dunk (Jason)
He's like a grenade, full of young raw talent, but you stay away to find something better. A finer more likable individual comes around. For now he's in the bottom, but rebuilding will be hard and slow, just has to make sure he doesn't pull an Angelina and whore himself to all the other franchises. 
10. OCT (Cousy)
We have a SITUATION... yes you knew it was coming, but we do. The team is like the SITUATION, can be nice and endearing at times, but also can explode all over you and just throw you out the room rather than being a team player. That's what this squad is, an interesting mess, a team in two directions... look for the franchise players to move this year in order to try redeem as many top picks as possible in the coming drafts.

Now that's a wrap... just make sure it was shrink wrapped, I saw those herpes on the beach in Miami.

p.s. the power rankings won't be this long again.

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