Tuesday, August 15, 2006



This is the briefest of messages, just had to post the video though, couldn't help myself considering I always remember it. In the following video it will show you the proper way to charge the mound, which is you need to make sure no one can tackle you from behind. So without furthur ado, for all you baseball brawlers, who just need to get out from beside the plate and hit that dirt hill so that you can take a lousy swing at the pitcher and probobly miss. Let's face it, baseball players can't fight.


Anonymous said...

Yup, that's officially hilarious.

Good work Kyle.

Joe H. said...

I'm taking notes.

Ok, so if we ever to play baseball, I'll go up to bat and you be catcher.

I'll kick you in the face.

Or bat you in the knees.

I'm undecided.
