Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ron Mexico Appreciation Day

Yes, that's right, an appreciation day is a well deserved day for Ron Mexico. And me and the guys couldn't think of a better day to do it then today. We have designated it as Ron Mexico Appreciation Day. For those of you who don't know Ron Mexico, I'll have to fill you in, firstly the name is an alias that was used by Micheal Vick and NFL Quarterback for the Atlanta Flacons. Who allegedly used the alias down in Mexico while he was on vacation. Sadly during the visit, he ended up giving some poor girl herpes, and apparently forgot to tell her before hand that this had happened. Hence the legend of Ron Mexico.

So in appreciation of his efforts, a party has been born. A party that will include the following, tequilla (as the mexican drink of choice), mexican food (hot and spicy), and friends (minus hopefully any idea of herpes being transmitted to anyone)... yes we don't condone herpes transmission. Also there will be no Ron Mexico Jr. antics allowed either, no guns, no robbing 15 year kids, and no stomping on people's legs trying to break them. Just good clean celebrating times.

So as the Mexican's would say


1 comment:

Joe H. said...

Alright!! Lets party!!!

(Happy birthday dude!!)