Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thunked Eagle

Well greetings all, another wonderful bitterly cool day in the northern part of the province, and thankfully it still smells like fresh air. Yes that's right no pollution baby, no pollution.

Anyways in news, Chuck is home safe and sound, and I'm not talking about sports this post... mostly because my life has been me in bed or me going to class, less time to worry about pity things known as sports... damn you northern sickness damn you... okay so basically I've recovered.

But the meaning of the post is the attached video. I've become quite the fan of the Colbert Report and the Daily Show, and well a few nights ago I just happened to walk downstairs in time for this fantastic report of Stephen's Eagle... and well I can't stop watching it without laughing everytime. So I hope you all enjoy.

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