Friday, October 06, 2006

Might as well put a big Z on his shirt.


So it was announced some days ago that Zdeno Chara (that loveable big man that the Bruins overpaid to get) will be the captain of the Boston Bruins... *I think my initial reaction to that was... who and what the *A%&@@* .... why.... *

And to be perfectly honest I'm still in that boat with the idea... I just don't get it, did we really have no one else in the Bruins organization that could be the captain, someone that has actually spent enough time with the team to actually understand the team dynamic. It's like telling Chris Pronger, hey welcome to Anaheim... here's the C, now don't go cheat on your wife so that we have to ship you off somewhere (oh wait that wife part already happened allegdealy). Moving along I really can't quite figure out why he was picked as the captain, it stumbs me, i am glad they didn't give it to Bergeron yet, he's too young and the pressure in Boston is too huge to be young and a captain (reminder of the Thorton trade... bah that still angers me). But there were other candidates... 2 that I think really could have been. The first is Glen Muarry, the man has been around hockey long enough to know it all and well, he's been with the bruins alot longer than Chara has been, for goodness sakes. Oh well maybe he's too old to be a captain... well then if we seem to like European captains, why not maybe choose the penalty killing specialist PJ Axelson (by far my fav. choice to have been the next Bruins captain). He's played with the team for years, known how to deal with the personel, and has never been a cancer or anything in the dressing room, he shows with his work ethic, which if you ask me is always a positive way to go about things. But hey, the Bruins choice Chara who will be bumbiling on the blue line all day and get accolades for looking like Hal Gill (by the way not a good thing in my opinion, oh well maybe they will let him play the tough guy role as well, break his hand... be a good fight, Chara vs McGratton, be there)

Enough ranting on Chara, probobly took up more space then he should have, sort of like him in general. Well another video the post... let's just say the Colbert Report is getting up there on my fav. tv show to watch radar... anything to do with an eagle blaming Canada and so forth is a good thing. Or naming things after an eagle works just as well. So enjoy the posted video.

In other news, Holland has 2 friendlies in the next week, ummm let's see if the turmoil of that team continues. Van Bommel gets picked again (why is beyond me) and then refuses to play for the favourtism showing son of a gun Marco Van Basten (yes I said I used to like him, that was until the Portugal match). So Van Bommel won't play, Ruud doesn't trust him yet, and well we are in for an interesting week again. He better win both games... anything less than that and Co Adriense will be coach... mark my words, it's called being a coach in Holland and coaching the national team.

Everyone enjoy your turkey... I'll be heating mine in a microwave... yup you heard that one right, no stove or oven leaves me with the only other route, which is microwavable food... you stay classy Thunder Bay.


Anonymous said...

Glen Murray...yeah, that pick makes more sense for captain.

Oh well.

That eagle bit was hilarious.


P.S. Website updated!

Joe H. said...

How's the snow.... white? deep?

when I say, "how's the weather UP there?" I mean it in two contexts :)


are you going to comment on the results here? I think you should

Headhunting Canuck said...

hmmm your enticing me into a live blog Joe... that's an idea. HEE HEE

Round by round coverage of my thoughts... I'll see if I can do it Joe.