Sunday, May 14, 2006

Jerry Springer the OPERA

Yes the title is confusing, I'm writing a sports blog for the most part, but every once in a while something in society captures my attention. So let me start my little story, I was watching the Sens game on Saturday night (yes the one they lost, more on that some other time if I can bring making fun of Sens fan more), and well during the in between period phase, ala after Don Cherry I was looking for something to watch, and low and behold on the Bravo network is Jerry Springer, the Opera.

I'll be honest, I'm not an avid Jerry Springer fan, I'll watch it every once in a while to see what rednecked man cheated on his wife, with a fat chick or a sister or even a mother. Frankly Springer is able to find just about anything that you could possibly imagine, and even some that would never cross your mind if you thought about it for a million years.

So this is why I was staring at my tv screen watching this intently, I'm not one for musicals at all, frankly nowadays I try to stay away from them, things are staged andtry to force emotions out of you, rather than watching sports where you never really know if you team will win or lose on a certain night.

Here I was transfixed, listening to opera singers and those artists attempt to not laugh while signing something so commical and insane that I'm surprised that not one of them burst out laughing. Mind you I guess practicing the scene over and over again would knock out any funny parts of it. See again staged events. Anyways I watched and watched and watched, and really almost was tempted to miss the second period of the game watching the show.

But thankfully I reigned myself in, and had enough heart to change the channel, but I did watch more of it after the second period is done.

Now you may be asking why the world I'm talking about this, well it's pretty simple, who in the world has this genius of a mind enough to actually think of putting Jerry Springer out as a musical. Clearly I never thought it possible, and how do you write a script for that, it's like let's think of the worst possible hookups in the world of dating and put them together, and then let's find the worst possible person you can cheat in, and voila you have a scene in the movie. Also on that point, who in the world gives the money to produce this, and how do you propose this to a board of executive stiffs. Do you go with the following: Do you like redneck hillbillies who cheat on there significant others? Do you feel like more swearing is needed in the world? How about a play on religion, and especially Christanity and we can get alot of people to complain and therefore garner attention. Honestly I would have loved to be there to watch that meeting go on, but alas I didn't get a chance to be.

Anyways if you want to watch something entertaining, maybe you have a wife or a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, or a husband that loves the arts and they love watching operas and you want to make a silly point and watch something that will not really make you think but atleast it's tolerable to sit through. Go buy, rent, or wait for it's return on Bravo, cause I'm sure it's rantings went up when I started watching.

Until again I leave you with a song from the movie and a randomly spliced video of other videos and dancing, probobly best if you don't like swearing to not watch the following video.


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