Sunday, May 14, 2006

Real reason why Senators lost


To all Sens fans, I have found the reason you keep losing to teams that you shouldn't, it took a bit of research from back in the day, but I'm pretty sure I finally found out why you can't win certain playoff series. It has nothing to do with the team playing terrible defense, bad goaltending and a lack of scoring unless it's on a 5-3, and has everything to do with the political ways of Ottawa society.

So let me bring you to the attention of the real problem. It's the fact that Bob Chiarelli, who has been the mayor of Ottawa since the senators have been around, has a tendency to bet with other parties, in hopes of winning for once and taking home some free stuff to feed him and the rest of staff in Ottawa.

Exhibt A

Where it all begins, back in 1997 when the Sens for the first time in there history make the playoffs. It was a stunning moment in Sens history, but sadly it comes crashing to a halt pretty quickly. Bob Chiarelli didn't bet the farm right away, a smart move as the Senators were not expected to win the series. But after game 4 and with the Sens still very much in the series Chiarelli called the Buffalo mayor and proposed a bet. He bet some beavertails for some chicken wings from Buffalo. This is the ultimate reason that the Sens lost in game 7. With that Chiarelli had to send some BeaverTails which are a delicious hot pastry which are smothered in toppings such as Cinnamon, Chocolate and Apple.

Exhibt B

1998 comes rolling around and we are in the playoffs again, a low seed, but still in. We draw the Devils, Chiarelli smartening up from his previous bet last year doesn't bet. It's a miracle, we win, we beat the Devils, we get to move onto the next round. Well look we get the Capitals, they are a bit more beatable then the Devils should have been, Alfredsson is on fire, oh wait, Ottawa politics get in the way. This time Jean Chretien decides to make a bet with Bill Clinton. Flying the winners flag on there respective building. Well suffice to say the Senators lose and the Capitals flag goes up in Ottawa.

Exhibt C

Hey the Senators are a higher seed for once, well that clearly means are chances of winning are alot better this time around. Oh and look Bob Chiarelli goes and places a bet since we are playing the Sabres. He really wants those chicken wings, better get to work on that bet. Oh wait the Sens get swept by the Sabres, sadly Bob owes more beavertails to his friends down south. Does anyone see a slight pattern?

Exhibt D

2000 and 2001, we play the Leafs, Mel Lastman the mayor of Toronto is quite the salesman, makes Bob Chiarelli look silly attempting to sell how great his team is. So they make a bet, the Ontario rivalry builds, and frankly Ottawa loses both times. Poor Chiarelli actually has to put a Leafs jersey on while attempting to make very big decisions for the city.

Exhibt E

Well like all bets sooner or later you'll get a small payout at some point, and in 2002 it finally paid off. It's sort of like the casino, you win a small amount, entices you to play longer and in the end they get more money. Same thing with these bets, Chiarelli finally wins one and feels grand. The Senators end up beating the Flyers and therefore good old mayor Chiarelli wins some Tastykakes for his whole staff. Tastykakes are a Philadelphia snack staple available in an assortment of flavours from Butterscotch to Jelly Krimpets.
But clearly once you put your hand in the cookie jar, you just can't resist another bet. Well Chiarelli goes and bets the Leafs, you know the 3rd time is the charm, bound to win this time around. Again it's another bet with wearing a Leafs jersey, and flying the opposing teams flag on your flagpole if you lose. And the Senators lose to the Leafs and up goes the flag.

Exhibt F

Well 2003 was a quiet year, apparently the mayor in the Islanders area doesn't want to bet, we win. The Flyers one smarting from his loss the previous year doesn't look for a bet, and we win. The Devils are never a betting team, but we lose to them, and sadly can't fault Chiarelli or Ottawa politics, only at the fact that there seems to be little going on, which is basically the political term for thinking about doing something.

Exhibt G

2004 comes around, and well what can I say, another loss to the Leafs, I don't even feel like going on anymore. You have lost 3 bets to the same town, maybe it's time to change the apporach, but clearly that's not the case and again the Leaf flag goes up in Ottawa.

Exhibt H

Well this is the apparent year for the Sens to win the cup, the last hurrah, the last chance before the team will be imploded upon by a nuclear device known as you refuse to win as a team, go find a new team to play for. So we win the first round, clear as day, get throught the Lightning, slightly shaky start, but everything went smoothly in the end. Find out the Sabres are the second round opponent, okay so we have lost to them before, well maybe this is the year. I'm actually thinking pretty highly of the Sens, cause they actually played there hockey in the first round. Well just before game time I'm eating dinner, and magically who pops up on the tv screen during the news. Well none other than Bob "*%$@#)$" Chiarelli, and I'm sitting there, watching him with his Sens jersey, praying for him not to do it, don't say anything about a bet, wish the Sens well, move on with your life. And then he drops the bomb, starts to go in detail about his bet with the Buffalo mayor, and well I knew then and there, we were going to lose the series. Five games later and we are out, what a surprise.

Anyways case and point, some please remind Ottawa politicians to stop betting on the Senators, when you only have won 1 out of 8 times, you got to sooner or later think that maybe you are the reason why they lose.

In case you were all interested, poor Bob Chiarelli sure got schooled good on a prank call from a radio station in buffalo, read all about in in the link posted below
Ottawa mayor's Stanley Cup Scandal!


Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.