Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How to soccer commentate

Just a quick note for the ESPN coverage of how to commentate a soccer game, remember you need to show a bit of passion, and also you need to yell and scream, instead of being some stiff in a suit who has no idea what they are talking about, that's right I'm looking at you Balboa. And for entertainment purposes if you can mix in a you're with me leather comment then I will never make fun of you ever again. Now in case you didn't know how to do that, watch the following video from 1998, and listen to the passion.

Remembering Hoffa as a Raptor

Well I didn't go after this right away when it happened, I apologize the world cup came ahead of making fun of Rafael Araujo. But alas, the former BYU stiff is off to Utah, perfect for his mormon like tendencies and his ability to play below the rim. The question that needs to be asked though is will AK47's wife use her free sleep card with the brazalian mormon stiff who knows already had to go through the ladies.

Just so we don't forget, here is his best moment of the last 2 years with the Raptors and when I mean best, showed his talent as best he could. Actual talent is a whole different question, and so is heart. Ah well good luck Hoffa plenty of mormons in Salt Lake City for you.


Real Rap in my view

Well I feel like I should culture people in this blog, and when I mean culture I mean culture them about Netherlands and about music and the industry as a whole today. I have left the following video for you to watch with the words posted in english for you to understand. Enjoy it and read my thoughts on it after.

I'm from the country of Pim Fortuin and Volkert van der G.
The country of Theo van Gogh and Mohammed B.
Am from the country of croquettes, frikadellen
Which you can order all the way until the Spanish coast
From the country where index never goes out of fashion
Where they'll crack you up the moment you will make it large
Am from the country of red white blue and the golden lion
Plundered the world and called it the Golden Age
Am from the country of weedplantations and bicycleraces
The country you can ask a junkie for a bike
The country that became euro champion in 88
The country of biting herring, dikes and canals
Am from the country of, the country of tall Fransie
This is the country I come home to after my vacation

Am from the country where I was born in 1982,
Where I lost the guilders to the euro
The country that participates in the war on Iraq
Cause uncle Bush has Balkenende in his bag
The country where miserly is common no doubt
Cause Baas B is still from Diemen South
The country of riots between Ajax and Feyenoord
But when Orange plays everyone will gather
The country of Johan Cruijf and Aben Lenstra
The legion never lets the lion down
The country where we hope the weather will improve every day
No one trusts the weather guy anyway
The country that has been free since 45
The country where I'll stay forever
I love it

I'm from the country you can drive through in less than three hours
With a different dialect every ten minutes
Am from the country where theoretically there's room for everyone
And where XTC is export product number 1
Am from the country where Andre Hazes will always rule in every bar
Where Peter Gert-Jan Raymond Frans Bart and Ali run the game
Am from the country where hip-hop is a 30 year old kid
You find out how cool that is
The country where prostitution and dope smoking is allowed
The country of Sinterklaas and Queensday
This is the country I was lost and betrayed
This is the country I was born and raised

I'm from the country with the highest cultural diversity per sq. meter
But where one is too afraid to have dinner with his own neighbour
And integration is a beautiful word
But shit, it's fuckin bitter when it is never heard
I share my country with Turks & Marrocans, Antillians, Moluccan & Surinames
The country where we hold to many thoughts back
Worldwide represented by Harry Potter
A country where Apartheid, internationally
is the best known word from the Dutch language actually
Am from the country that ticks like a bomb
The country that has dinner at 6 and is always on time
This is the country where I'll win in the end
Untill you sing along in the ArenA subways
And till that time I've lost my heart
This is for Holland, Baas B, Lange Frans

That's the song, and if you watched the crowd, the silence in the crowd is wonderful, it was played in Nederlands and well young and old understood it and to me that's what makes this rap wonderful. It cultures others of a real life problem, makes you think, hence why I've never liked some North American rap, I find that it's not telling a story but rather trying to make a quick buck about being shot 50 times, or berating other singers. Sure it's all fun and games for some, but when every rap song has little meaning other than picking up a girl at a club, losing a girl, or telling some story about how his or her life was so tough, then really it's not worth my time to listen. For the most part that's what I perceive as North American rap, in the end their is no story only a bunch of random thoughts, with a thuggery beat that gets everyone thinking that being the big bad tough thug isn't so bad after all. What does this bring, it brings out the thought that everyone can be a thug and dress with the bling, steal things, get shot at and life will be good. But to me that's not what rap was supposed to be about. Back in the early 90's is when the real North American rap was around, telling stories about the difficulties of being black, the struggles of a North American society and so forth, and to me that's the kind of rap that should be heard which it isn't anymore. Anyways hopefully you all reflect on this, feel free to post your thoughts, for or against, it's more of a debatable topic for everyone.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Well the Dutch are out

The recovery process begins now for myself... I have to say i'm still digesting the game and it still stings in a few ways. I have to say I'm ashamed with the reaction of some Dutch fans on the world cup blog that I frequent, but at the same time and ashamed of the squad itself and also Portugal's team and fans. Basically it's one big mess nowadays, and I have to wonder if there would be a riot by the end of the night between the fans, as clearly the players didn't seem to mind going ahead and trying their luck in a hockey rink. I will apologize in advance as I'm just writing out my feelings and that I may jump around from time to time, i'll try my best to keep this in context, but rather than people asking me later what I thought, they can read the blog and understand where I'm coming from.

So I will rewind all away back to December when the pools were put together, Jose (my portuguese roommate) and I were watching the the little 10 inch tv that we have at school and watching the draw come out. We watched, and I predicted the group that the Dutch got and 2 our of the 3 freaking opponents we got drawn with. But anyways that's nowhere with where this story is going, it's more in the sense of when we first looked at it we knew that we would sadly probobly play in the round of 16. Firstly because we were probobly going to finish behind Argentina, and well Portugal was probobly going to end first due to the easy group they got. Anyways so back in that day I knew this day would come.

Rewind to the start of the world cup, I may not have said it, but their were 2 teams I didn't wish the Dutch to meet, firstly the Brazilians (we seem to screw up alot in the last 30 years against them) and Portugal (1-6 record doesn't look good on us... make it 1-7 now). You may ask what do these 2 teams have in common, well firstly both are coached by Brazilians, but that's not the real reason, the real reason is that they play our game, the Dutch game, offensive soccer, and they play it as good if not better than us at times. No other nations play soccer like these 3 nations do, and that's what is the big difference, we can't seem to match up well against teams that play our game, maybe it's cause we are so used to a defensive team that we forget about the offensive punishment those teams can put on us, their creativity and the fact they want the ball.

Fastforward to 5 days ago
I've been a wreck since that matchup reared it's ugly head, cause I knew it was going to happen and that their was nothing I could do about it. I've been told by people I'm not a real Dutch fan when I say we are going to lose to Portugal, it was a gut feeling, and a feeling of hating to play that opponent, sure I guess maybe I shouldn't have been so pessismistic, but alas it's how I felt and I thought I would state my opinion. I guess it was my attempt to be a realist of a fan and not just someone who pretends that their is nothing wrong at all and that everything is going well, when clearly it's not.

Game day
Like every game day this world cup, I've been dressed it my orange hat, orange 2000 to 2002 version Dutch jersey and I sat downstairs on the couch watching the game, maybe it was the fact I was alone this time, maybe I should have told people to come over, but i didn't, I was set to watch the game in agony by myself. My family left me alone, didn't even bother to come down, probobly for the better at points as clearly I wasn't in the mood to socialize.

Start of the game,
Well it was announced, the starting lineup, for some reason we have to start Sneijder and Van Bommel, yes I really dislike seeing both of those guys on the field at the same time, they fire shot after shot on net all the time, most times it's blocked, but they sure love to blast it rather than setting up plays in the midfield. The bigger news was the like of Ruud, while I was fine with it early on, I was expecting him to come in by the 60th minute if something was needed to be done... like score a freaking goal. So I was a tad nervous.

1st half,
Well first 10 minutes, Dutch has some good possesion, but we didn't infact use it at all, it was more of a let's play with the ball a bit, some chances were always one pass short, or one stupid shot long, or the fact that we could organize ourselves between the forwards and midfielders, it's been a problem all tournament, that last touch of the ball (quick pass to the forward), that never seemed to work at all, maybe it's the young and inexperience of the team still, but it just never seemed to click in the end. Then Portugal took charge a bit, found some room and Maniche scored an excellent goal, very nicely played with Pauleta and they deserved that goal, I have no problem admitting the Dutch defense broke down, and couldn't close the gap in time. Van Der Saar had no chance on it either. So 1-0 Portugal, they keep the play a bit for the next 10 minutes, finally the Dutch seemed to have woken up, or got rid of those nervous butterflies and start to take some control of the game, a few chances, some very nice work by Van Persie on the wing, if only he could finish the shot (maybe this is why Arsenal doesn't use him more). And a red card. Might I add the other like 3 yellow cards in the first half, mind you that didn't seem to matter much, cause it only got worse later.

2nd half
Well probobly the strangiest half of this year's world cup, and probobly will become well known as the game that just lost all marbles. 3 more red cards giving out, a brawl, another 9 yellow cards, Scolari yelling at Basten, lots of diving, pushing, shoving and really a whole lot of crappy none soccer play. A few chances, Cocu off the post (the old guard hitting the post... sigh sounds so familiar, and it wasn't a shootout), a few close changes and some 9 on 9 action. In the end Portugal won.

Marco Van Basten:
I still like him as a coach, as for the most part the Dutch team was kept together this tournament, but he did get out coached this game in a way, and he also tried to put his stamp on the team. He went for youth this tournament, I supported the idea, cause he brought a few veterans, but I did not enjoy the fact that he didn't play Ruud and instead put on VofH on to try score a goal, we never had a high ball to go after firstly, secondly our corner kicks sucked so much that it didn't matter how tall our big forward was, it wasn't going to do much. Sadly Ruud should have been on for Kujt, and he might have scored that goal that Kujt couldn't flick over the goalie. I like Kujt, he puts in a big effort all over the field, but the man can't score, he hasn't been a finisher really at all for the amount of chances he gets, it's a developing talent I guess, but Ruud would have been more effective in this flowing game with less players on, he needs space and he would have gotten it. As well Robben was getting double teamed all game because Ruud wasn't around and Portugal could focus on him, hence the fact that he was rather ineffective most of the game until it opened up with the circus show. In the end Van Basten got out coached, or out manuvered even himself, but I still think he should continue to lead this team until 2010, the players respect him, and he's coaching isn't that bad, give him time, he's learning as well and will grow up with these guys, and hopefully in 4 years we will be back and more ready and less nervous with the experience they will have gained.

The game itself
Diving, a Portuguese and Dutch tradition. Yes that's right a tradition, it's nothing new, and sadly I expected it, the problem was the Russian ref bought into most of it and threw out cards with more reckless abandoment then Shawn Kemp in a bedroom. Sadly he got suckered by the dirty tactics of both teams, and well they both kept playing like that because of it. If he had called a few diving calls that would have ended that game and it could have opened up, or closed up into an actual game of soccer.
The Dutch played with nerves for a good portion of the game, and you can't win games when you can't string that last pass together. I don't agree with people when they say the Dutch have no talent, as we saw it when players went one on one with others, but it was the last 1/3 of the pitch where we couldn't make that perfect pass to spring the forward, or for that matter pick out the right player coming down, everyone had tunnel vision sadly.

For now I wish Portugal well against england, I know the rivalry between them and the Dutch is only now just beginning, and will continue to grow, sort of becoming our Czech problem, just going to have to get over it. I hope they can manage without Deco and Miguel, and maybe Figo, but only time will tell, atleast beat up on England, cause really in the end no one likes them. For now I will hide away and ponder some more about the game and the future of the Dutch squad still hopefully looks bright.

Hup Holland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bring on the West Iberian

Ah yes,

Quietness on my front, it's a patient quietness, I didn't want to cause the wrath of the gods to strike down on me. So it hasn't yet, somehow the Dutch made it quietly through the round robin, not stepping on too many toes and therefore not causing me to become over confident nor over nervous. Usually it's the latter of the two I have problems with as they love to not make it easy on themselves. But here we are, moving onwards, and yes this is why I have stayed quiet. I haven't wanted to put my foot in my mouth, and probobly should just stop talking now, but got to move on, the round of 16 is upon us.

So after a round of 2: 1 goal games and a 0-0 tie, I have to say i'm pleased. You may ask why, but it's simple, we have had tough games so far, no easy games and slowly but surely we are building ourselves up. So why the nervousness with Portugal. I'll be honest I don't want to play them for a couple of reasons. I believe they are a quality team, and I don't want to lose due to bragging rights with the one they call the slave trader.... yeah you know who he is.

Anyways i'll be pushing the dutch bandwagon is obvious nervousness and I'll be ready for the game this coming Sunday. It should be another classic battle between the 2 teams... just hope my team prevails. More to follow shortly enough.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Hup Holland

Hup Holland indeed,

I've giving myself a day to celebrate, me and the Grolsch bottle, alot like Kyle Orton and the Jack Daniel bottle. But I didn't go that heavy on the celebrations, while I'm very happy with the vicotry, 3 points is 3 points, I do realize that it's still 6 games to go to win the world cup and to me that is the ultimate goal, so rather party slowly and get bigger and bigger as it goes along. So if we do happen to win in July 9th, I'll have to have a kegger, some strippers and a room painted orange... hmmm on second thought that could be a financial issue at the end of the tournament. "Sir why do you need a bank loan?" ummmm because I pissed all my money away after the Nederlands won the world cup.... yes that's clearly going to work well for me.

But we must move onwards, after a slow and unpacy match with the S&M crew, we now get to move on those Ivorians and the stamina and quickness that they have. I watched the game against Argentina, and one thing is for sure you can't sit back on them, not that I expect the Dutch too, as they have always liked to own the ball and move it around on there own pace, but we will have to make quicker and better quality passes in the attacking third if we wish to win the game outright. With saying that though, I think the Dutch are better prepared to play an Ivory Coast squad then an S&M crew. Our 3 friendlies before were against Cameroon, Mexico and Australia. Two out of the 3 teams play a more open style, an attacking football style, which should allow more room for Mr. Horseface (Ruud) to create in the middle of the attacking 1/3. Robben looked disgusting this weekend, always was a quick bugger, as long as he and Van Persie stay unangry towards each other. Which I'm sure Van Basten has already fixed. Clearly Van Persie was angry, but the problem was Robben was on his game, and the Dutch ran with it that way, I don't expect that to happen again, as Van Persie had great flashes of brilliance as well when he did get the ball.

As for the midfield, well Cocu was there, but not really there, not the crisp passes I'm used to seen from the old veteran, and Sneidjer just scared me every free kick he took went not at all where it was supposed too, maybe it was nerves, maybe the injury or maybe the heat, but he really didn't overly impressed me with the amount of touches he had with the ball. Hopefully the Dutch squad will continue to get healthier and we will see the likes of Van der Vaart back to lead the midfield attack. The defense held up well for the most part, I do rather like seeing Boularhouz in the middle, but that's just my personal preference. All in all yesterday was a great start to the campaign, and uncharacteristic start for the Dutch, and hopefully we can just improve on the situation on Friday. Just watch out for Drogba, but I'm sure Robben has tips on him.

Hup Holland

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Marco van Basten Top 15 Quotes

Yes Marco van Basten is a man who's not afraid to say what's on his mind for the most part, and indeed I like the fact he tells it like it is, so here is his top 15 quotes in my opinion, that I could read in english so far, if you have anymore you like post them as a comment, and if I like it enough I'll add it into my list.

1. 'As long as it is an open talk and you are not out to win the discourse, everyone involved can only gain from it. Neither Cruyff or I invented the game so none of us is right per se. Although, when it sunk in after a while, I usually had to agree that he was right after all. I still love those talks, but there are few players now with a clear opinion so it does not happen very often. That is a pity.'

2. “I'm satisfied with the result, but not with the way we played,” On just about every game that they win.

3. "It was like an episode of Mash in the dressing room." After the game against the Aussies where 3 Dutch players left with injuries

4. “Oranje is a fleurige mixture of freedom and blijheid, fanaticism, game joy and youthful zest, with sausje pure class transvased.” On his thoughts on what being a Dutch National team player is all about

5. 'We've abandoned the petty fines for coming late or leaving mobiles on, as this is not the kind of money that will hurt any modern player. As a punishment he now has to tell a joke in front of the group. That works very well. No one has sinned so far.' His way of fining players

6.'Many sides in the competition have an advantage compared to us due to their experience of playing in major competitions,' he says. 'We have other qualities, but this is a tough challenge for us.' His attempt at making it look like the Dutch are the underdogs and have something to proof, rather than being known as the favourite.

7.'Big names mean nothing to me, I am only interested in good players. I do think other midfielders have shown they can do better in the national team than Seedorf. A player like Van der Vaart can be a stylish playmaker, but also does his fair share of work for the team and that is exactly what we are looking for.' On his reason why he didn't choose Seedorf, Maakay and Davids

8.I've said to him a couple of times, "Do you enjoy it, Alex? Daddy won't make you play football." After I said it the first time, he did his best especially. But football means nothing to him. He doesn't support a club, either. It really doesn't bother me. It's just good for him to move a little, to play sport. But he likes K'nex much more - the toys you have to put together. His grandpa, Liesbeth's father, is handy, too. He must have got it from him. Alex can put together a K'nex fairground in an hour. And yesterday he was doing a puzzle.' Marco softer side and that he isn't trying to push his son and has come to accept it that he won't be a star soccer player.

9.“We train always on the knife edge with a lot of emotion, but I explained to Ruud that it is important that we control our emotions and treat team mates with respect.” Making everyone realize that it's all ofr the team.

10. 'I hardly believe that is the case. As coaches John van't Schip and I try to behave as equals with the players. We don't shout across the training ground to get everyone's attention. The players look at me like I am just a trainer and not some legend from the past. If they ever had my posters on their bedroom wall, I don't think they are still hung up there. I go to the bathroom just as they do.' How he is an equal and the team all has the same respect level, even though he is the coach doesn't mean at all that he is better than them.

11. Every country has been given a slogan and the orange bus used to transport the Dutch players at the tournament is adorned with the line: 'Orange on the way to gold'.

"We don't like it because we try to keep everything calm and this might be seen as a provocation" Van Basten told reporters on Wednesday.

12."Players can get in real good form, while others fall through the ice" How much ice there'll be in a German summer remains to be seen, but we're pretty sure some of the Dutch squad will give their team-mates the cold shoulder.

13."Klaas-Jan had a good season at Ajax and Heerenveen with many goals but is unlucky that we won't take four central strikers to the World Cup," On his reasoning for not picking Huntleer, just one two many central strikers.

14. “This staff intends to build a team which is offensive and attractive where the players must show proof of initiative and especially take pleasure in putting on the orange jersey.”

15. “They're all countries with a rich history and technically skilled players. We're going to make sure that we're well motivated from the start. If you start out with a tough one you immediately know what you are worth.”

U bent met me, Leer

Yes your with me leather indeed. Have to keep up with the tradition at deadspin.com on that one and thank them for that reference. If you ask me, it has alot to do with soccer in a way anyways. The ball, used to be made of leather back in the day, and if you called it leather now, people in the world would still understand the concept quite well. As is said with the world cup now so close and the Dutch getting ready for there game on Sunday, I will now have another look at the probable starting lineup and add some notes on each of the players, my thoughts of where they are at, and how they will do this world cup coming up.

Hup Holland

Starting Lineup:

Edwin van der Sar:Okay so the Lions are going to live and die through their goalie this campaign. His experience and veteran leadership is what's going to keep our back line together and organized so that we can show a tough defensive fight. It's his last chance probobly to catch glory in a world cup and I'm pretty sure he plans to make his last stand. In Euro 2004 we saw a very good performance and expect much the same and if not a little better as his time at Man U has just improved him.

Defense (4)
Giovanni van Bronckhorst: Also known as Gio, will be playing the left side most likely, and floating around like he is known to do in Barcelona, expect to see him coming down the left side to help out the offense, can play his defensive position pretty well, but is more known for his offensive flair, sort of like a Cafu in Brazilian circles, just not as old yet.

Wesley Sneijder: Hoping that he can get back from his ankle injury in time, Sneijder while known as a midfielder can play the back line well. Adds a bit of experience to the back 4 and some height, which is a problem against some of the bigger teams in the group. A well rounded player who can move the ball quickly up the pitch.

Jan Kromkamp: While looking like a stiff against Aussies it shall give him something to prove during the opening round as long as Van Basten does indeed give him his spot back, which i don't see why not, you didn't bring Opdam up, which in my mind was maybe his biggest mistake, but then again we all need to believe in Marco and hence forth I will do so.

Khalid Boulahrouz: Solid Right Back, a stay at home defender that takes care of business. Won't let many of the winger's through and is quick enough to stay with them. Expect people to attack down the middle rather than worry about facing Boulahrouz.

Midfield (3)
Mark van Bommel: While he has been less then impressive lately, van Bommel can indeed play soccer, still getting over a slight injury Van Bommel can move the ball very well, and can run with the team, as long as he plays with the team. For now expect him to be playing the right side and getting the ball up to the wingers.

Phillip Cocu: The god of the Dutch team, Cocu is about as veteran as you get and is in charge of this team, can organize the offense and defense extremely well. Great passer and great vision of the field. May be the most underrated star Dutch player of all time, never gets enough credit, but can move to any part of the field that he is placed and be a star. This is his last chance and expect him to do everything he can to get the Dutch to the finals.

Rafael van der Vaart: If he ain't injured, which at the moment has been rehabbing an ankle for the last 2 months, he can be the player that organizes the attack and leads the Dutch up the field. A very good passer and very good at organizing opposing defenses into doing what he wants before sending a pass up the field for a goal. Hoping he gets healthy so he can lead the attack on the left side.

Forwards (3)
Robin van Persie: A surprise to be honest, most expected Kuyt to be probobly be starting, but all indecations now say it will be Van Persie. A very good winger for Arsenal, van Persie can twist defensemen left and right on the right side. Very good pace, good ball handler, not known for his scoring yet, will probobly tire after 60 minutes and be replaced with Kuyt.

Ruud van Nisterlrooy: Ah everyone's favourite horseface. Ever since his split in Man U, he has remained faithful to the Dutch and from all accounts seems ready to show Man U and the world why he is considered one of the best strikers in the world. While not the flashes player in the world, he knows how to get to the right spot at the right time. He also can deke you out with his offensive skills when he wants too, but again I state you would think so when you first watch him play.

Arjen Robben: The Chelsea player, and right winger of the team has been having injury problems for the last year. Only in the last few days has he finally shown the pace needed to play. A deft deaker, and able to pull the trigger when needed, Robben can create and handle the ball almost as good as any player in the game. Expect to see him running with the ball lots and getting open on his right side before he crosses the ball in the middle towards Ruud.

There you have it, anyways I haven't fully decided yet and if public opinion changes my view I may live blog the world cup Nederlands games in my Dutch perspective, depends if people wish to see me write in agony and joy. Against haven't decided, post a comment if you wish to sway me to blog, cause I will honestly do it on Sunday morning, may be theraputic for me in a way.

I live you now with a Crazy Frog video, that has come out just in time for the world cup. I do thank Jose for finding this, as always I'm in your debt.

World Cup Official Music Video

Oh the world Cup,

It's coming, it's rolling in like the cold wet weather that seems to come every weekend in Ottawa nowadays. But alas, atleast this is more exciting then a cold wet rainy day. I'll be honest the Cup has peaked my interest to an ultimate high. I finally found out the main cup song today, took me a while to locate it, not sure why as once I found it, I found it everywhere, maybe it's me being a moron with the controls. Anyways here is the video below. I do like to point out a couple of things, firstly I'm slightly dissapointed in the song, it's not very German, yes I do realize it's a pop classical R&B style, which in a way signifies the culture of German music, which is very open to anything across the board. But I was half expecting some kind of heavy metal band to put something in, give it that extra little flavor, or bass beat that I could blast in my card. Instead i'm left with Il Divo and Toni Braxton. A reminder that none of these singers are German, I guess it is an international tournament, but again would have rather had a home grown singer from Germany singing. Anyways enough for that, I will be posting my thoughts on the Dutch a bit later tonight.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

World Cup Guesses

Yes because I feel like making a fool out of myself I'm going to take a guess at how the rest of the tournament is going to go based on the predictions that I've made. Shall be intersting if I'm even 1/4 right after this point. Enjoy making fun of me you pundits, I'll dance like Peter Crouch if I'm correct by 50%.

1A (Poland) vs 2B (England)
Score Poland 1, England 2 ... 50 dead, cause surely we will have another riot
1C (Serbia and Montenegro) vs 2D (Mexico)
Score Serbia and Montenegro 0, Mexico 0 Shootout Mexico 4 Serbia and Montenegro 2 ... They caught the 2000 Dutch disease
1B (Germany) vs 2A (Sweden)
Germany 2, Sweden 1 ... clearly I'm hoping for a proposed match coming into effect shortly
1D (Portugal) vs 2C (Holland)
Portugal 1, Holland 2 ... revenge from 2004, Deco doesn't get that goal in and Figo finally hits his last legs
1E (Czechs) vs 2F (Australia)
Czechs 1, Australia 2 ... apparently Hiddink put something in the water
1G (Swiss) vs 2H (Tunisia)
Swiss 2, Tunisia 0... the Swiss roadblock, no woman allowed to be seen by the Tunisians
1F(Brazil) vs 2E (Italy)
Brazil 1, Italy 1 Shootout Brazil 4, Italy 5... Italy has good target practice from switching sides in previous wars
1H (Ukraine) vs 2G (France)
Ukraine 1, France 3... Cause clearly France never wishes to go away

England vs Mexico
England 2, Mexico 0... apparently the Robot just keeps going
Germany vs Holland
Germany 1, Holland 2... The orange Nazi helmets come into full effect at this game
Australia vs Switzerland
Australia 1, Switzerland 1 Shootout Australia 3, Switzerland 4
The Socceroos thuggery ends with neutrality
Italy vs France
Italy 0, France 0 Shootout Italy 4, France 3
Apparently Italy heard that taking a bath gives for quicker movement and better health

England vs Switzerland
England 1, Switzerland 2 ... those woman ads are really paying off
Holland vs Italy
Holland 1, Italy 1 Shootout, Holland 5, Italy 4
Okay so I got my revenge finally

Switzerland vs Holland
Switzerland 2, Holland 3
Offensive soccer, and I would be a happy happy man, no more bridesmaid for me

Okay so yes somehow I called a Holland victory, though they could quite noteable lose out at anytime with the amount of injuries they have right now, but hey it's only fan being a Dutch fan to support the Dutch team

Enjoy the world cup, it's only 5 days away.

World Cup Group H

Ah the final group, the final group to make a bad joke at, and well maybe incite some soccer errr football knowledge to those of you that don't really follow the game at all. But that doesn't mean I won't have some fun with this group, no really I'm going to enjoy poking fun at the poor saps in this one. Firstly you have Spain, part of the iberian failure, then you have Ukraine, which is still trying to find some nuclear energy. Then Tunisia, who are always busy doing well at world cups, or atleast qualifying for them, and lastly Saudi Arabia, which is usually a goalfest waiting to happen, for the other team that is. So let's go get some oil and solve that energy crisis that Ukraine has been facing ever since Spain espionage blow up there plant... yes that's right I blame Spain.

Saudi Arabia aka Oil and Goal Galore
Yup that basically sums up Saudi Arabia, lots of money, lots of goals to be scored on the lack of defense. Just to make myself perfectly clear, look at what Iraq did to them in 2005, not much has changed since then, or in the last 10 years for that matter.

So what should we expect then in the group phase, well how about another 3 and out for them, it's really simple, they just don't have the talent, and my theme of the Asian nations getting too many spots shows up here again, as this will be another disaster for Saudi Arabia. There one bright spot is the development of Yaser Al Kahtani who is slowly but surely becoming a very solid Asian player. But again, if you are betting oil on Saudi, expect to start giving it away

Spain aka Loads of talent, lack of wanting to play
Well here is loveable Spain, when I mean loveable I mean the biggest choke artists around, and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way this time around. They have been migthy quiet as of late, which is a first for me. Usually everyone is ranting about spain, they did qualify pretty well in a tough group with Serbia, and got there win at home, but then their lies the problem, they can't win away, and if the tournament was in Spain I would give it to them. Mind you the weather conditions may be good enough for them, not too warm, not too cold in Germany at this time of the year, maybe a little too wet, but that's cause they like to whine.

With Raul, Torres, Xavi and Iniestra the Spanish have a chance to do really well, but if history tells us anything, and for the most part it's usually correct the Spanish won't win the tournament and will find some famous way to implode.

Tunisia aka We roll right through Africa
Okay here's the team that will qualify for the round of 16, it's their time to surprise the world and be the team that every bandwagon jumper will cheer for. With the fact that they are from Africa, and I've been unable to pick a team, I'm glad to finally make my selection. The player Santos will be a dangerous young individual, who posses a knack for getting the ball into the net. Ali Boumnijel the 40 year old keeper will be the 5 oldest player to ever play in Germany, while he is long in the ears, he will be able to make up with his talent of saving the ball. So while I won't beat this horse to death, expect big things from the nation known as Tunisia, they will do what Turkey can't do this world cup.

Ukraine aka Radiation makes us stronger
Two words: Andriy Shevchenko

Yes the man is dynamite, even on a bad ESPN commercial, and with that expect him to come flying into the world cup. He's a goal scorer, and probobly the most profilic one around right now, yes big words I use, but the Ukraine would not be in this tournament without him. That being said though, the Ukraine showed alot of balls by being the second team to qualify for the tournament and actually showed us, that they can in fact play soccer as a team and have more than this the Sheva to push them through. Serhiy Rebrov will be in charge of getting Sheva the ball and expect alot of counter attacking football from this squad. Alot like how they qualified for the world cup in the first place. Counter with Sheva and you can win. As long as the radiation treatments keep going they have a shot of being a big surprise and going far in the tournament.

1. Ukraine
2. Tunisia
3. Spain
4. Saudi Arabia

World Cup Group G

Ah get those bars of soap up it must mean we are on to unclean Frenchman, with there pastries and loads of hair. But they do get to have a chocolate bath in the group. As the Swiss are always happy to supply the chocolate, and apparently the woman in this world cup... yeah more on that advertisement campaign later. Also those pesky, buying refs, quick witted Koreans are back again to give us some Park action. And to end the group off, why not some colonization by the French with Togo. Yes they found there slaves as well, as it was neatly pointed out to me by my Portugeuse counterpart. So lock up your wives so they aren't swindled buy some pickpocketing Korean who is visiting Togo.

France aka We surrender
Well they have to get the old guards back for this world cup qualification. Apparently without them France will play every game to a 0-0 draw. Sadly Ireland decided to screw up and let them win away which allowed France to qualify for the world cup. I was quite dissapointed as I was hoping not to have make any bath jokes, or what is a bar of soap jokes for my france pals. But alas here they are, with the old guards of Zidane, Henry, Viera and Makelele back for another ride. It was expected that only Henry and Makelele would have been back for this tournament, but some guys just can't give up and want to repeat glory. Hate to say it though, France is too old, too slow and won't end up winning the world cup. It's not there time, and the tournament is not being hosted in your own country. While I do expect them to cause trouble as they are France, I expect them to scurry with there tails behind there legs when they decided to only play up and down the field and forget about working the wings, as only Henry has the speed to break and defense up.

Korea Republic aka the south part owned by the US
Well Korea is back for another round of qualification, again it has something to do with that easy Asian qualification. But to be fair the Koreans are in a great mood, cause well they could get out of this easy group. The problem though is, they like Hiddink and their fans to get them to the next round this time. There friendly schedule as of late has been pretty easy, but in that time they have managed only 1 win, and a load of draws and a loss today, so really I don't think this is the same team that we saw in the previous world cup. Park the Man U striker will be in top form and should be able to get alot of goals against Togo. My fav. defender in Lee, will be all over the park like he usual is, causing a disruption, not the best defender, but great at streaking up the wing and creating chances. In the end Korea will have to hope for some US artillery to get through the group phase in Germany.

Switzerland aka we will take care of the woman during the world cup
Yes here comes the greatest ad campaign of all time, or the most freak, click here to watch and scream if you have a wife. But that's not the only thing that Switzerland has going for them this world cup. They get to play France again, like the teams haven't seen enough of each other, it's actually developing into a Czech vs Dutch rivalry, which is always good for those neutral Swiss. The Swiss had to play a play in game to qualify against the Turks, which ended in a brawl at the end of the game, and sadly for the Turks a 5 game ban from playing at home and atleast 500 miles from the country, or was it 200, I forget, but that's not a pretty ban. The Swiss got through without much of a penalty, except for a suspension to one of their players. The Swiss are lead by their striker Alexander Frei who has been on fire as of late, scoring goals with reckless abandonment, someone should tell him he's supposed to score for both teams for the games to stay neutral. With a midfield of Vogel, Cabanas and Wicky the Swiss will have the veteran leadership they need to go far in the tournament.

Togo aka How did we qualify
Yes my fav. African nation this world cup has to be Togo. Just because they have such low expectations, the team somehow qualified for the world cup by knocking out expected group winner Senegal. So what expectations do we have now of this African nation, how about just getting a goal would be a good first logical step for this team. If they can come out of this tournament with a goal and even a point it will help them out. The country is in an uproar and proud that their nation qualified, suffice to say though they don't expect to win the world cup as this may be the weakest team of the bunch that qualified. In the end they are just glad to be here and hopefully can do some damage. Emmanuel Sheyi Adebayor will be expected to bring that much wanted goal to the Togo nation, he was the important striker that brought the demise of Senegal. So if they do win a game I will have to go purchase a Togo jersey and jump on the bandwagon with everyone else.
This is all that Togo needs to do...

1. Swiss
2. France
3. Korea
4. Togo

Saturday, June 03, 2006

World Cup Group F

Ah yes group Brazil, or as I like to call it, the group of we just want to finish in second place, that's all. It should be known that this Group is actually group F, but the fact that everyone suspects that well Brazil will just win it and therefore should be known as the dogfight for 2nd place. And that dogfight will be taking up by those pesky kamikaze Japanese, the criminal minded Aussies and the loveable checkered Croats for that beautiful second place behind Brazil. With that in mind in should be noted that Brazil could actually lose, I will state that I don't expect them to win the world cup, my reasons are strange and have nothing to do with the talent of the team. Firstly, Brazil does not normally win back to back championships, it's every 8 years for them, secondly they are on European soil, normally a place they don't do well, wait till South Africa and I will proclaim them the champs.

Australia aka I really really hate them right now
Here we go with a criminal look of Australia,
Guus Hiddink is the coach for the moment for the Aussies, basically he ability of getting teams to the world cup and passed the group stage is remarkable, Dutch in 98, Korea in 2002, maybe it's the Aussies turn in 2006. The friendly that the Aussies played against the Dutch today it's been shown to me that they play a tough brand of soccer, followed by the expectations that they must injure atleast 3 players in each game... okay so maybe I"m being harsh, but this is part of my mental stimulation to get over the fact that my healthy team is definetly no longer healthy. Mark Schwarzer has been looking like a man possesed in net, and well he may be able to keep the ball out of the net for the most part until you face Brazil. Tim Cahill the Everton midfielder, has been playing superbly as of late and is the natural leader of the Socceroos. Expect to see Harry Kewell as the goal scorer for the Aussies, who will have to grind out wins with there physical play against the quick opposition that they will face in there group.

Brazil aka too much talent
What can I possibly say about Brazil that hasn't already been said in the news, oh well I could go on a story about a Brazil girl that I saw one day and ... okay I digress from that story, it's not a very good one, but I thought I would try and see if I could get it too work. Anyways the Brazilian squad is stacked like it always is, stacked like alot of Brazilian woman that you see on the beaches of Rio, stacked like... oh sigh I'll shut up not before I put my food in my mouth. Okay so on the soccer facts about the team. Firstly they have an allstar goalie in Dida, the man can get hit by a flare and still be relatively okay, so everyone must bring flares to Germany and throw them at him, in an attempt to phase him, I'm leaving Italy with that task. Secondly defense might be their weakest point, but man do they still have some offense back there, with a back four of Cafu, Roberto Carlos, Juan and Lucio, anyone one of those four could jump up into the attack. Thirdly, the midfield, ummm okay so Emerson is hurt and might not play, that's fine plenty of one namers to replace him, you'll have Ronaldihno, Kaka and Ze Roberto. In the front line you can have the most disgusting striker list ever, Adriano, Ronaldo and Robinho. So there you have it one disgusting list of players, I digress now and remind everyone that they won't win the world cup this year.

Croatia aka Checkmate
Okay so another bad joke about there jerseys, but really I can't get over them, they are just so entertaining to look at and well in the end Croatia is an entertaining team. Croatia a relatively young country, part of that wonderful split up of those eastern nations, has had a relatively good time at the world cup, with a 3rd place finish in 98 and qualifying for 2002, though they did bow out in the first round. Croatia finished ahead of Sweden in the group stage for this qualification and look to be a well rounded team. With striker Ivan Klasnic and Dado Prso providing the offense expect to see the Croats to be able to give every team a good run for there money at the world cup. Dario Simic will be called to provide the leadership for a relatively young Croats team that is still growing into becoming a European powerhouse. They may not be able to replicate the problems they caused for opponents in 98, but slowly but surely the Croats are coming.

Japan aka Asia makes it easy to qualify
Ah yes those small tiny skinny people of Japan. There ability to run for 90 minutes and not get tired is amazing, while the skill level is still improving maybe the fact that they won't have the pressure of the home fans will give them to ability to qualify for the next round, or wait, maybe not, isn't home fans supposed to help. Mind you Japan works in the opposite, first you pick a fight on Pearl Harbour, then you kamikaze, then you refuse to surrender, then one big bomb is dropped and you are forced to surrounder, now you are really good friends with the US. Oh how 50 years have changed, even the Russians haven't warmed up to the States like Japan has. But enough about the culture, how about the team. The team is in it's prime with most of them in the 26 to 29 range for age. Perfect time to have a coming out party, right, wait reminder Japan works in the opposite, they will need a young youth, or a bunch of 36 year olds to qualify. Basically what I'm getting at here is that I don't suspect Japan to do that much this world cup, they had there chance and Korea stole the spotlight from them. Expect alot of goals from Japan when they play Brazil, meaning lots of goals for Brazil and a few for Japan as they don't play a defensive style at all... which by the way is a nice thing, but some defense would be better.

1. Brazil
2. Australia (I'm going with the socceroos as a voodoo spell so that they don't do well)
3. Croatia
4. Japan

Thursday, June 01, 2006

World Cup Group E

The second group of death, and is just as evil as the Group of C, with 3 high profiled teams in the Czechs, Italy and USA and an African intrigue in Ghana. So you ask what can we expect from all these teams, well you can expect them to choke, as they have all been able to do that before in wonderful fashion in the last 10 years. You can expect some pretty good defensive soccer, and if any of the top 3 teams really wanted too we might actually get some offense. Yes this is the group of boredom, it's a tough group but I don't know if any of the top 3 teams are actually going to want to score goals, they never really have wanted to in the past. So let's hit up Mussolini in Prague like we are an American unibomber beating up on an African nation.

Czech Republic aka We like FIFA rankings
Yes #2 in the world, somehow, yet they didn't win there group, nor have they won anything since they became there only little republic, so apparently FIFA has alot of explaining to do, how can this team be #2, ah well guess you just have to go with the flow. Ah the Czechs, so very excited for this tournament, alot like Euro they also got a bad group, having to face Italy and the USA is never a good thing, add some injuries and you got a full blown chance at screwing up. But I don't think the Czechs will do that, it's the last ride for Nedved, Koller, Smicer. Also Milan Baros as long as he is healthy could be the golden goal winner if the Czechs can go a long way. Which is possible, it's always been said that getting a tough group to start with is best for the later rounds, as you'll be prepared to play tougher opponents.

Ghana aka we screwed South Africa
Yes that's right those loveable Ghana folks, talked about quite quietly to start off the whole world cup, then even had to win a premiliminary game firstly to even qualify for the group stage of the African qualification. But they did that, and then went on to beat South Africa and end up the leaders of Group 2 and on to the glorious world cup. Problem though, they got stuck into a terrible group, I don't really suspect they will be able to win any games, mind you they do get to play Italy to start the tournament and that always means a possible vitory as Italy loves it's slow starts. Because I don't know much about Ghana soccer I thought a video depicting the team would be good.

So I have to admit I like Ghana fans, they all dress up in the country flag, very appropriate, very soccer fanlike. So when in doubt I'll cheer for Ghana in this group.

Italy aka Pesky Spitters
Ah the loveable Italians, which I will never really say there name properly, yes practice makes perfect, but only when you practice the right way to say the name, which clearly I've avoided for a good portion of my life. Anyways the Italians have an actual good chance of winning the world cup this year, and honestly say that while hating the way Italy has played soccer. Why you may ask, well it's really simple, Italy has always had some wonderful offensive players, but for some reason they choose to avoid doing that and put 10 guys in their own box and play for a 1-0 victory. It's the problem with the Italian league as well, never about free flowing football, all about grinding out a 1-0 stinker of a game. Just to show you that they can score goals, please look at the following video.

USA aka We need a nickname

Ah nothing says support like Dutch support and a Dick Cheney shooting joke. Anyways here we are, the good old US of A. Well they were good in 1998, when they finished last. A little upset at how well they did in 2002, but hey I guess Portugal is still angrier. Anyways to be honest I really don't know how the USA will do this year, they friendlies games haven't gone over that smoothly, yes I realize they are friendlies, but clearly they aren't up to par with other countries right now in terms of soccer. So with that in mind I will be one of many to proclaim that the USA won't make it to the next round. I just can't see it, if they were in an easier group they could have pulled it off, but Italy and Czech are two top soccer nations. But alas you'll be able to tell after their opening game against the Czechs if I was right, or all the USA fans were right.

1. Czechs
2. Italy
3. USA
4. Ghana