Thursday, June 08, 2006

U bent met me, Leer

Yes your with me leather indeed. Have to keep up with the tradition at on that one and thank them for that reference. If you ask me, it has alot to do with soccer in a way anyways. The ball, used to be made of leather back in the day, and if you called it leather now, people in the world would still understand the concept quite well. As is said with the world cup now so close and the Dutch getting ready for there game on Sunday, I will now have another look at the probable starting lineup and add some notes on each of the players, my thoughts of where they are at, and how they will do this world cup coming up.

Hup Holland

Starting Lineup:

Edwin van der Sar:Okay so the Lions are going to live and die through their goalie this campaign. His experience and veteran leadership is what's going to keep our back line together and organized so that we can show a tough defensive fight. It's his last chance probobly to catch glory in a world cup and I'm pretty sure he plans to make his last stand. In Euro 2004 we saw a very good performance and expect much the same and if not a little better as his time at Man U has just improved him.

Defense (4)
Giovanni van Bronckhorst: Also known as Gio, will be playing the left side most likely, and floating around like he is known to do in Barcelona, expect to see him coming down the left side to help out the offense, can play his defensive position pretty well, but is more known for his offensive flair, sort of like a Cafu in Brazilian circles, just not as old yet.

Wesley Sneijder: Hoping that he can get back from his ankle injury in time, Sneijder while known as a midfielder can play the back line well. Adds a bit of experience to the back 4 and some height, which is a problem against some of the bigger teams in the group. A well rounded player who can move the ball quickly up the pitch.

Jan Kromkamp: While looking like a stiff against Aussies it shall give him something to prove during the opening round as long as Van Basten does indeed give him his spot back, which i don't see why not, you didn't bring Opdam up, which in my mind was maybe his biggest mistake, but then again we all need to believe in Marco and hence forth I will do so.

Khalid Boulahrouz: Solid Right Back, a stay at home defender that takes care of business. Won't let many of the winger's through and is quick enough to stay with them. Expect people to attack down the middle rather than worry about facing Boulahrouz.

Midfield (3)
Mark van Bommel: While he has been less then impressive lately, van Bommel can indeed play soccer, still getting over a slight injury Van Bommel can move the ball very well, and can run with the team, as long as he plays with the team. For now expect him to be playing the right side and getting the ball up to the wingers.

Phillip Cocu: The god of the Dutch team, Cocu is about as veteran as you get and is in charge of this team, can organize the offense and defense extremely well. Great passer and great vision of the field. May be the most underrated star Dutch player of all time, never gets enough credit, but can move to any part of the field that he is placed and be a star. This is his last chance and expect him to do everything he can to get the Dutch to the finals.

Rafael van der Vaart: If he ain't injured, which at the moment has been rehabbing an ankle for the last 2 months, he can be the player that organizes the attack and leads the Dutch up the field. A very good passer and very good at organizing opposing defenses into doing what he wants before sending a pass up the field for a goal. Hoping he gets healthy so he can lead the attack on the left side.

Forwards (3)
Robin van Persie: A surprise to be honest, most expected Kuyt to be probobly be starting, but all indecations now say it will be Van Persie. A very good winger for Arsenal, van Persie can twist defensemen left and right on the right side. Very good pace, good ball handler, not known for his scoring yet, will probobly tire after 60 minutes and be replaced with Kuyt.

Ruud van Nisterlrooy: Ah everyone's favourite horseface. Ever since his split in Man U, he has remained faithful to the Dutch and from all accounts seems ready to show Man U and the world why he is considered one of the best strikers in the world. While not the flashes player in the world, he knows how to get to the right spot at the right time. He also can deke you out with his offensive skills when he wants too, but again I state you would think so when you first watch him play.

Arjen Robben: The Chelsea player, and right winger of the team has been having injury problems for the last year. Only in the last few days has he finally shown the pace needed to play. A deft deaker, and able to pull the trigger when needed, Robben can create and handle the ball almost as good as any player in the game. Expect to see him running with the ball lots and getting open on his right side before he crosses the ball in the middle towards Ruud.

There you have it, anyways I haven't fully decided yet and if public opinion changes my view I may live blog the world cup Nederlands games in my Dutch perspective, depends if people wish to see me write in agony and joy. Against haven't decided, post a comment if you wish to sway me to blog, cause I will honestly do it on Sunday morning, may be theraputic for me in a way.

I live you now with a Crazy Frog video, that has come out just in time for the world cup. I do thank Jose for finding this, as always I'm in your debt.

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