Thursday, June 08, 2006

World Cup Official Music Video

Oh the world Cup,

It's coming, it's rolling in like the cold wet weather that seems to come every weekend in Ottawa nowadays. But alas, atleast this is more exciting then a cold wet rainy day. I'll be honest the Cup has peaked my interest to an ultimate high. I finally found out the main cup song today, took me a while to locate it, not sure why as once I found it, I found it everywhere, maybe it's me being a moron with the controls. Anyways here is the video below. I do like to point out a couple of things, firstly I'm slightly dissapointed in the song, it's not very German, yes I do realize it's a pop classical R&B style, which in a way signifies the culture of German music, which is very open to anything across the board. But I was half expecting some kind of heavy metal band to put something in, give it that extra little flavor, or bass beat that I could blast in my card. Instead i'm left with Il Divo and Toni Braxton. A reminder that none of these singers are German, I guess it is an international tournament, but again would have rather had a home grown singer from Germany singing. Anyways enough for that, I will be posting my thoughts on the Dutch a bit later tonight.

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