Friday, September 15, 2006

Chuck Thunked

Greetings all,

Well I want to congratulate Chuck for being the first male visitor to come up and visit me in Thunder Bay. Yes he now has that distinction, probobly for the better for him, the man last time I checked was looking for more back pills than leave it to beaver reruns... it's what happens when you travel, you get stiff body parts, sadly he is learning the lesson the hardway.

Sort of like Mr. Constantine, who sadly got suspended for one of the most creative ideas ever in terms of punishment. In hockey when you suck, and it can happen, usually the coach will make you do sucides for half an hour or so after the game, well apparently Mr. Constantine went to the university of creativity and tweaked it a bit... instead of any type of physical punishment, he went for the mental punishment. Instead of exerting oneself after a game even more he feed them dinner, instead of wasting lots of time and getting less sleep, therefore worst recovery, he drove them home right away. So you may ask, what's wrong with this picture, well it's simple, during that whole time they had to wear there hockey equipment. Yes hockey equipment stinks, and yes it's probobly slightly unsanitary to be eating food in your equipment (wonder if they went to an upscale restaurant, or maybe a Chucky Cheese, the guys could have played video games, or played in the ball pit, think of the fun it would be to play in the ball pit with hockey equipment on, diving at each other and all). But the point is, he was creative and I salute him, atleast he thought of something different, now if only we could get governments to think like that rather than the same old same old.

Anyways onto furthur business at hand, hockey starts, and sadly I don't care yet. The Tigers have almost blown up and giving up there lead, until they decided to come out and pull a Barcelona and win 17-2. But then again they might have just blown all there runs for the next year.

UEFA has started up it's round robin play in champions league, not much to report other than the fact that Real Madrid, is Real Madrid, lack of defense. Man U needs to teach Saha how to jump, apparently he doesn't know how too at all... poor guy, must be his unatheletic french ability.

Anyways just a quick update... cause Constantine is a wonder.

Watch out for Chuck, he'll be different after T-Bay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent observations.

hahaha, I hadn't heard about that Constantine stuff...that is RIDICULOUS.

It's true, Chuck will never be the same again. Oh my!