Tuesday, May 23, 2006

World Cup Group B

Two World War and One World Cup, dodaa, do daa, Two World Wars and One World Cup. Ah yes must be Group B, and England must be involved.

So without furthur ado, we must give the floor to some classy english chants

If it wasn't for the english you'd be krauts. If it wasn't for the english you'd be krauts. If it wasn't for the english, wasn't for the english, wasn't for the english, you'd be krauts.


sigh I digress, just couldn't help myself there, it's just nice and ironic that firstly england is playing in german and secondly they are spending alot of time reminding english fans what they can and cannot do in germany. Clearly I think Germany is just expecting to end up playing England and after the mess that they will have to clean up with Poland they are trying to shed away the violence.

In other news we are talking about group B, and well I guess I should get going on that one. So here's go another hopefully predictable post, that predicts correctly.

England aka Embrace the world by starting a riot
Ah the english, well time to see how well they fail again this year, with the absence of Owen and Rooney, or the fact that they won't be 100% yet, Sven is going to have to rely on lanky, Darko like Peter Crouch to score the goals, unless he moves Gerrard up which is specualted. Anyways anyway you look at it, the England team looks solid. With pylons like Rio and Sol at the back, it will take more than a truck to move them out. And yes expect to see the English in either a 5-4-1 or a 4-5-1, so basically Italy soccer at it's finest. I"m pretty sure right about now I've offended everyone that could possibly be reading this post. So I'll just stop right there and say, well the English are good, but they will find a way to screw up, may the soccer riots prevail.

Paraguay aka Hoping for Santa to be okay
Ummm, yes, injuries to your star striker, that seems to be a regular thing in this group, and in Paraguay's point of view they are no exception to the problem. Hopefully Santa Cruz will be ready, and not having knee troubles like he has been lately. Though the Paraguain's did qualify in 4th place in the always tough South American tryouts, don't expect too much from this team with out there star striker, they could sneak a win over England or Sweden, but otherwise I don't know if I can rely on them to pull up an uber upset, ah well, just glad to be there, it's not like Canada is.

Trinidad & Tobago aka it's an island party
The only team from a small island, and the smallest population to qualify for the world cup, and no Japan doesn't count, while this is great news I'm still mad at them. You ask why, simple they beat out Bahrain to qualify, all I wanted was to see Bahrain merchandise being sold for the world cup, now I'm left with TnT. Which means I must post the TNT video by AC/DC to enjoy seeing them in the world cup.

Ah now that makes me feel better, now this is the first time for them to qualify for the world cup and hopefully they can put up a good showing, I suspect they will be a bundle of nerves in there opening game, but hopefully Stern and Yorke can score a few goals so that the island nation can party like never before.

Sweden aka Sven's pocket rockets
Yes that's right, Sven is done in England and well he gets to play his home nation in the world cup, and that has never ended well for England. So luck is out and about that I shall expect to see a usual impressive performance this time around. Anyways if we have to talk about Sweden, we need to talk about Zlatan Ibrahimovic and the fact that this guy can do things with gum that I can't even do with a freaking soccer ball. Watch the said video from Nike and you will understand.

Need I say anything more, I think not, basically it's sick. The Swedes, who got beat out in Euro 2004 by the Dutch in PK's (I had to put it in somewhere), will be looking to bring there Ikea brand soccer everywhere, that means that the yellow and blue shirts will be out, and hopefully a few viking helmets as well. But yes the Swedes will be troublesome and fearsome, but well in the end, they have a few defensive liabilities to worry about first.

My Predictions

1. Sweden

2. England

3. Paraguay

4. Trinidad and Tobago


Anonymous said...

Group B:


Oh yeah, another World Cup, another proclaimation of English superiority over any nation it defeated in a war...who just happens to in turn beat them time after time on a soccer pitch...Great strengths in their Central Defence (Terry, Ferdinand, Campbell, Carrager), and at the Offensive Midfield (Lampard, Gerrard, Cole). However, the skrike force can be described as "Two Cripples, a Stiff Giant, and An Infant". Rooney will only be good to play in the later stages, Owen is having a tough time getting in shape, Crouch is hilarious in his Robot dancing, and Walcott.... well, can't say anything, never seen him play, as well as the whole English nation. If this team can get Lampard and Gerrard to play as if they are back at their clubs, then England can hide their frailties up front....but they will need Carrick to play behind them to make up for their limited defensive ability. Since Meatball head (Sven) refuses to move from his 4-4-2 tactic, this could be trouble against a more tactically-intelligent team later on. Either way, watching Crouch play will keep me singing "we are the robots' by early German techno group Kraftwerk during the tournament...

Anonymous said...


Can these guys find the right mixture of battle and art to get past into the late stages?.... maybe yes, but that requires finishing in first in the group, as being in second most likely means facing off against Deutschland in a packed beer hall in Munich, which could get ugly if the Mannschaft is on all-cylinders... Svenska has a great goalie in Isaksson and and experienced rear-guard led by captain Mellberg from Aston Villa. Problems apparently exist at right-back. Up ahead, the Tre Croner combo of Larsson, Ibrahimovic,a nd Ljungberg are a fear for all defences in the World Cup, but each has his own issues... Larsson is old, Ibra is struggling in the last few months with concentration and confidence, and Ljungberg is a battler at all times but can't seem to be consistent at all offensively for any stretch of time...Special attention for young gun Kim Kallstrom, who I feel can be the midfield transistion organizer that this tean desperately needs.....

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.