Friday, May 26, 2006

World Cup Group C

Greeting to the group of death,

Yes it's time to publish my thoughts on what my beloved Dutch could do and yes I'm taking a realistic approach to it. They got put in what alot of people are calling the group of death, or what I call the Germans way of trying to screw us over. But don't worry you haven't, if anything most Dutch fans are happy with the group as it has a little bit of everything and means they will have to play well in qualifying which can only bold well if we get through to the next round. So with alot of fanfare and some worriness let's go through each of the teams.

Argentina aka Brazil's bitch
Here we come from the southern part of south america, we travel all the way to Europe in hopes to find a way to win it all and be able to make fun of Brazil. Yes they are the 4th ranked team in the world, and in my honest opinion they should be ranked higher, and yes I truly like there team and am always scared to play them. That being said, I do believe the June 21st match versus Holland will determine which of the 2 teams will qualify for the next round. Firstly let's go over the history, and there is alot. Holland lost to them in the world cup in 1978, which we will remind everyone were the golden years of soccer. But we got our revenge 20 years later with probobly the best Dutch goal scored in world cup history and bounced them from the tournament. (to see goal click here). Also I'm happy to report Argentina fans already want to fire Jose Pekerman for some of the picks he made going into the world cup. Not picking Zanetti in alot of people's eyes is a big mistake, mine included. So here is where the problem lies for Argentina, they have a good midfield with Juan Roman Riquelme and Esteban Cambiasso lead the way. They have an excellent offense with Hernan Crespo and young superstar Lionel Messi. Then they have a pourous defense, and an okay keeper. And this is why I don't see them getting through, they will score and be scored on, and will have to learn how to get through Serbia and Montenegro's defense. Moving on...

Holland aka Clogs Central
Well since I've already made a huge post, I might as well go on a bit about the Dutch squad, who thankfully are keep cooler heads right now. They are playing like a team and this is because Van Basten is making the younger generation believe, his ability to deflect attention from the team and keep there heads straight so far has been very refreshing, also his ability to make the tough choices, like choicing Babel instead of Huntleer make me feel better. So expect the Dutch to go into a 3-4-3 formation. With Kujt and Robben on the wings and Ruud at center. The midfield will be Cocu at the back, Van Bommel, Van Der Vaart and Landzaat. With the defense as Gio, Boulahrouz and Jaliens. Don't be surprised to see him change to a 4-3-3 depending on how the friendlies go this week. The problem with hoping that Holland will get first and have an easy time with the group is that they won't do anything the easy way. They will screw up the first game, everyone will panic and they will just squeak through in time to get to the next round, forcing the usual high strung Dutch fans to not have to jump of buildings because there team didn't qualify.

Ivory Coast aka awwwww SHIT
Ah yes Ivory Coast and Didier Drogba central, yes the all important African striker has gotten himself and his team in quite a pickle with the group they are in. If you had looked at all the African teams this year, this would have been the team most people thought would go through to the Round of 16, instead, well shit son it looks like they will be hard pressed to get a win. But yes, they could always be the giant sleeper if they get taking lightly by the big 2 in Holland and Argentina, it shall be very interesting to see how Argentina does against them in the first game on June 11th, if they get a tie or win they have hope, because if that happens Argentina will be a sinking ship. But they will need to beat the Serbs, or score a goal against them if they do infact wish to bring African pride to this world cup.

Serbia and Montenegro aka Screw it we wish to be single named
Yes that's right, you have split up, and right in time for world cup time. But as much as I would like to think this might stop your Iron Clad defense (DRAGUTINOVIC, VIDIC, GAVRANCIC and KRSTAJIC.) I know in the end it won't sadly. This team looks very strong, with the fact they only let one goal in during the qualification stage and that was to Spain in Spain. Otherwise it was alot of 0-0 affairs for them. The way this team works is alot like Italy, put 9 guys in the box, get the ball out and counter attack using the explosive Kezman to hopefully win a game 1-0. It won't be pretty soccer, but then in the end the only pretty thing the S&M have are the number of fantastically beautiful woman they have coming out of there, cause it for sure ain't the men.

1. S&M (they will squeak out with 7 points)
2. Holland (we find a way to screw the Argies)
3. Argentina (fire manager)
4. Ivory Coast (2010 hopefully)


Anonymous said...

Group C:


The Land of the Pampas is touted by most as the only great resistance against the Samba machine, and to good point as well. A central defence lead by the Hardcore King Roberto Ayala and having the likes of All-Round players of the likes of Gabriel Heinze and Juan Pablo Sorin in the full back positions makes the "Celestines" have the intimidation factor equal to the Detroit Pistons. The Midfield is well to good for me to ever describe well, with Cambiasso playing the defensive midfield position better than anyone in the world (listening Real Madrid?), while Messi and Riquelme provide creativity that puts Picasso to shame. Up front special attention to the next great Argentinian coming up on the Euro scene soon, as Carlos Tevez is a ruthless finisher with great passing skills. Overall, this squad is great in all sectors and can't be overlooked, as their 2002 campaign was derailed at the first hurtle thanks to a dubious penalty that Beckham scored.

Anonymous said...


I've already discussed the merits of the "Laranja Mecanica", and i do like what i see in the guys chosen. Again, while the defending in the middle of the back is a little questionable, the rest of the positions have very capable men to take them. I still prefer this team to play in the 4-3-3 system to take advantage of rich midfield options, or a 4-4-2 formation with Van der Vaart and Robben in the wings. The 3-4-3 could be used at times, but can be a suicide move against teams with fast and smart offensive wingers taking advantage of the space. Either way, this team is too fun to miss playing, so their better be no excuses for anyone to be watching American Idol or what ever trailer-trash TV show is hot right now.....

Anonymous said...

The Nation Formerly Known as Serbia and Montenegro:

Yes Kyle, the intelligence of puting a national seperation referendum only weeks before a World Cup can only be compared to the Serbian Gavrilo Princep deciding to do away with the Austrian Archduke on June 28, 1914. What can possibly go wrong?..... As for the squad, the vaunted Belgrade Back Four was the reason for their qualification, but others of notable name are on the team, with creative Inter Milan player Dejan Stankovic being the organizing brains of the midfield, and the La Liga Strike Force of the running-man Kezman(Athletico Madrid) and the target-man Milosevic (Osasuna)force opposing defences to respect the all-round game of the Yugos....I mean S&M..... I mean....Damn it, what do i call these guys..... the C.I.S.the Sequel?

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.