Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bring on the West Iberian

Ah yes,

Quietness on my front, it's a patient quietness, I didn't want to cause the wrath of the gods to strike down on me. So it hasn't yet, somehow the Dutch made it quietly through the round robin, not stepping on too many toes and therefore not causing me to become over confident nor over nervous. Usually it's the latter of the two I have problems with as they love to not make it easy on themselves. But here we are, moving onwards, and yes this is why I have stayed quiet. I haven't wanted to put my foot in my mouth, and probobly should just stop talking now, but got to move on, the round of 16 is upon us.

So after a round of 2: 1 goal games and a 0-0 tie, I have to say i'm pleased. You may ask why, but it's simple, we have had tough games so far, no easy games and slowly but surely we are building ourselves up. So why the nervousness with Portugal. I'll be honest I don't want to play them for a couple of reasons. I believe they are a quality team, and I don't want to lose due to bragging rights with the one they call the slave trader.... yeah you know who he is.

Anyways i'll be pushing the dutch bandwagon is obvious nervousness and I'll be ready for the game this coming Sunday. It should be another classic battle between the 2 teams... just hope my team prevails. More to follow shortly enough.

1 comment:

Headhunting Canuck said...

Yes but until Germany learns to play some defense I wouldn't say anything over there Chuck.

Your right we need to win by more than 1 sometimes, but then that would be unDutch like.