Sunday, June 04, 2006

World Cup Group G

Ah get those bars of soap up it must mean we are on to unclean Frenchman, with there pastries and loads of hair. But they do get to have a chocolate bath in the group. As the Swiss are always happy to supply the chocolate, and apparently the woman in this world cup... yeah more on that advertisement campaign later. Also those pesky, buying refs, quick witted Koreans are back again to give us some Park action. And to end the group off, why not some colonization by the French with Togo. Yes they found there slaves as well, as it was neatly pointed out to me by my Portugeuse counterpart. So lock up your wives so they aren't swindled buy some pickpocketing Korean who is visiting Togo.

France aka We surrender
Well they have to get the old guards back for this world cup qualification. Apparently without them France will play every game to a 0-0 draw. Sadly Ireland decided to screw up and let them win away which allowed France to qualify for the world cup. I was quite dissapointed as I was hoping not to have make any bath jokes, or what is a bar of soap jokes for my france pals. But alas here they are, with the old guards of Zidane, Henry, Viera and Makelele back for another ride. It was expected that only Henry and Makelele would have been back for this tournament, but some guys just can't give up and want to repeat glory. Hate to say it though, France is too old, too slow and won't end up winning the world cup. It's not there time, and the tournament is not being hosted in your own country. While I do expect them to cause trouble as they are France, I expect them to scurry with there tails behind there legs when they decided to only play up and down the field and forget about working the wings, as only Henry has the speed to break and defense up.

Korea Republic aka the south part owned by the US
Well Korea is back for another round of qualification, again it has something to do with that easy Asian qualification. But to be fair the Koreans are in a great mood, cause well they could get out of this easy group. The problem though is, they like Hiddink and their fans to get them to the next round this time. There friendly schedule as of late has been pretty easy, but in that time they have managed only 1 win, and a load of draws and a loss today, so really I don't think this is the same team that we saw in the previous world cup. Park the Man U striker will be in top form and should be able to get alot of goals against Togo. My fav. defender in Lee, will be all over the park like he usual is, causing a disruption, not the best defender, but great at streaking up the wing and creating chances. In the end Korea will have to hope for some US artillery to get through the group phase in Germany.

Switzerland aka we will take care of the woman during the world cup
Yes here comes the greatest ad campaign of all time, or the most freak, click here to watch and scream if you have a wife. But that's not the only thing that Switzerland has going for them this world cup. They get to play France again, like the teams haven't seen enough of each other, it's actually developing into a Czech vs Dutch rivalry, which is always good for those neutral Swiss. The Swiss had to play a play in game to qualify against the Turks, which ended in a brawl at the end of the game, and sadly for the Turks a 5 game ban from playing at home and atleast 500 miles from the country, or was it 200, I forget, but that's not a pretty ban. The Swiss got through without much of a penalty, except for a suspension to one of their players. The Swiss are lead by their striker Alexander Frei who has been on fire as of late, scoring goals with reckless abandonment, someone should tell him he's supposed to score for both teams for the games to stay neutral. With a midfield of Vogel, Cabanas and Wicky the Swiss will have the veteran leadership they need to go far in the tournament.

Togo aka How did we qualify
Yes my fav. African nation this world cup has to be Togo. Just because they have such low expectations, the team somehow qualified for the world cup by knocking out expected group winner Senegal. So what expectations do we have now of this African nation, how about just getting a goal would be a good first logical step for this team. If they can come out of this tournament with a goal and even a point it will help them out. The country is in an uproar and proud that their nation qualified, suffice to say though they don't expect to win the world cup as this may be the weakest team of the bunch that qualified. In the end they are just glad to be here and hopefully can do some damage. Emmanuel Sheyi Adebayor will be expected to bring that much wanted goal to the Togo nation, he was the important striker that brought the demise of Senegal. So if they do win a game I will have to go purchase a Togo jersey and jump on the bandwagon with everyone else.
This is all that Togo needs to do...

1. Swiss
2. France
3. Korea
4. Togo


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