Sunday, June 04, 2006

World Cup Group H

Ah the final group, the final group to make a bad joke at, and well maybe incite some soccer errr football knowledge to those of you that don't really follow the game at all. But that doesn't mean I won't have some fun with this group, no really I'm going to enjoy poking fun at the poor saps in this one. Firstly you have Spain, part of the iberian failure, then you have Ukraine, which is still trying to find some nuclear energy. Then Tunisia, who are always busy doing well at world cups, or atleast qualifying for them, and lastly Saudi Arabia, which is usually a goalfest waiting to happen, for the other team that is. So let's go get some oil and solve that energy crisis that Ukraine has been facing ever since Spain espionage blow up there plant... yes that's right I blame Spain.

Saudi Arabia aka Oil and Goal Galore
Yup that basically sums up Saudi Arabia, lots of money, lots of goals to be scored on the lack of defense. Just to make myself perfectly clear, look at what Iraq did to them in 2005, not much has changed since then, or in the last 10 years for that matter.

So what should we expect then in the group phase, well how about another 3 and out for them, it's really simple, they just don't have the talent, and my theme of the Asian nations getting too many spots shows up here again, as this will be another disaster for Saudi Arabia. There one bright spot is the development of Yaser Al Kahtani who is slowly but surely becoming a very solid Asian player. But again, if you are betting oil on Saudi, expect to start giving it away

Spain aka Loads of talent, lack of wanting to play
Well here is loveable Spain, when I mean loveable I mean the biggest choke artists around, and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way this time around. They have been migthy quiet as of late, which is a first for me. Usually everyone is ranting about spain, they did qualify pretty well in a tough group with Serbia, and got there win at home, but then their lies the problem, they can't win away, and if the tournament was in Spain I would give it to them. Mind you the weather conditions may be good enough for them, not too warm, not too cold in Germany at this time of the year, maybe a little too wet, but that's cause they like to whine.

With Raul, Torres, Xavi and Iniestra the Spanish have a chance to do really well, but if history tells us anything, and for the most part it's usually correct the Spanish won't win the tournament and will find some famous way to implode.

Tunisia aka We roll right through Africa
Okay here's the team that will qualify for the round of 16, it's their time to surprise the world and be the team that every bandwagon jumper will cheer for. With the fact that they are from Africa, and I've been unable to pick a team, I'm glad to finally make my selection. The player Santos will be a dangerous young individual, who posses a knack for getting the ball into the net. Ali Boumnijel the 40 year old keeper will be the 5 oldest player to ever play in Germany, while he is long in the ears, he will be able to make up with his talent of saving the ball. So while I won't beat this horse to death, expect big things from the nation known as Tunisia, they will do what Turkey can't do this world cup.

Ukraine aka Radiation makes us stronger
Two words: Andriy Shevchenko

Yes the man is dynamite, even on a bad ESPN commercial, and with that expect him to come flying into the world cup. He's a goal scorer, and probobly the most profilic one around right now, yes big words I use, but the Ukraine would not be in this tournament without him. That being said though, the Ukraine showed alot of balls by being the second team to qualify for the tournament and actually showed us, that they can in fact play soccer as a team and have more than this the Sheva to push them through. Serhiy Rebrov will be in charge of getting Sheva the ball and expect alot of counter attacking football from this squad. Alot like how they qualified for the world cup in the first place. Counter with Sheva and you can win. As long as the radiation treatments keep going they have a shot of being a big surprise and going far in the tournament.

1. Ukraine
2. Tunisia
3. Spain
4. Saudi Arabia


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