Thursday, June 01, 2006

World Cup Group E

The second group of death, and is just as evil as the Group of C, with 3 high profiled teams in the Czechs, Italy and USA and an African intrigue in Ghana. So you ask what can we expect from all these teams, well you can expect them to choke, as they have all been able to do that before in wonderful fashion in the last 10 years. You can expect some pretty good defensive soccer, and if any of the top 3 teams really wanted too we might actually get some offense. Yes this is the group of boredom, it's a tough group but I don't know if any of the top 3 teams are actually going to want to score goals, they never really have wanted to in the past. So let's hit up Mussolini in Prague like we are an American unibomber beating up on an African nation.

Czech Republic aka We like FIFA rankings
Yes #2 in the world, somehow, yet they didn't win there group, nor have they won anything since they became there only little republic, so apparently FIFA has alot of explaining to do, how can this team be #2, ah well guess you just have to go with the flow. Ah the Czechs, so very excited for this tournament, alot like Euro they also got a bad group, having to face Italy and the USA is never a good thing, add some injuries and you got a full blown chance at screwing up. But I don't think the Czechs will do that, it's the last ride for Nedved, Koller, Smicer. Also Milan Baros as long as he is healthy could be the golden goal winner if the Czechs can go a long way. Which is possible, it's always been said that getting a tough group to start with is best for the later rounds, as you'll be prepared to play tougher opponents.

Ghana aka we screwed South Africa
Yes that's right those loveable Ghana folks, talked about quite quietly to start off the whole world cup, then even had to win a premiliminary game firstly to even qualify for the group stage of the African qualification. But they did that, and then went on to beat South Africa and end up the leaders of Group 2 and on to the glorious world cup. Problem though, they got stuck into a terrible group, I don't really suspect they will be able to win any games, mind you they do get to play Italy to start the tournament and that always means a possible vitory as Italy loves it's slow starts. Because I don't know much about Ghana soccer I thought a video depicting the team would be good.

So I have to admit I like Ghana fans, they all dress up in the country flag, very appropriate, very soccer fanlike. So when in doubt I'll cheer for Ghana in this group.

Italy aka Pesky Spitters
Ah the loveable Italians, which I will never really say there name properly, yes practice makes perfect, but only when you practice the right way to say the name, which clearly I've avoided for a good portion of my life. Anyways the Italians have an actual good chance of winning the world cup this year, and honestly say that while hating the way Italy has played soccer. Why you may ask, well it's really simple, Italy has always had some wonderful offensive players, but for some reason they choose to avoid doing that and put 10 guys in their own box and play for a 1-0 victory. It's the problem with the Italian league as well, never about free flowing football, all about grinding out a 1-0 stinker of a game. Just to show you that they can score goals, please look at the following video.

USA aka We need a nickname

Ah nothing says support like Dutch support and a Dick Cheney shooting joke. Anyways here we are, the good old US of A. Well they were good in 1998, when they finished last. A little upset at how well they did in 2002, but hey I guess Portugal is still angrier. Anyways to be honest I really don't know how the USA will do this year, they friendlies games haven't gone over that smoothly, yes I realize they are friendlies, but clearly they aren't up to par with other countries right now in terms of soccer. So with that in mind I will be one of many to proclaim that the USA won't make it to the next round. I just can't see it, if they were in an easier group they could have pulled it off, but Italy and Czech are two top soccer nations. But alas you'll be able to tell after their opening game against the Czechs if I was right, or all the USA fans were right.

1. Czechs
2. Italy
3. USA
4. Ghana

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.