Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Vote for Rory

Ah yes, I'm come out of the basement to write a column, you can all start congratulating me right about now... okay kidding, school took over my life the last 3 weeks and any chance of me writing something went down the drain, go figure eh. Ah well the big exam stretch is over, got one left and well some things I need to get off my chest.

Like first off the vote for Rory Fitzpatrick idea, i'll be honest this caught me attention about 3 weeks ago and I haven't been able to really stop voting for the guy. It's all about voting for Rory, you may ask why would you do this, do you really expect a journeyman defensemen to make it, well I do, and it's simply because of the idea that people do indeed make a difference with how they vote. We are always told our vote matters, but in federal politics is never seems to count, as youngster's we become naive with the idea of voting because we know our elders will just pick their ways before our ways matter. This is a chance to show that people can make a difference and you vote matter. The vote for Rory campaign and has caught steam and he is only 100k votes short... I know that seems like a lot but just last week he was 190k votes short, so as you can see he is making progress... *I'll add here that I've voted 150 times for the poor man already*

Anyways it just grabbed my attention today that someone came up with the genius idea to put up attack ads for him. And so without furthur ado i will post them here.

So there's that, please feel free to go to the following hyperlink Vote for Rory, and it will give you instructions on how to vote for him and where to vote for him.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The weird sensation in the chest feeling

That's what this song bring to me, and maybe to others who knows, and only Holland videos for me.

Just a small quick note, because I had some spare time.

Monday, November 20, 2006

On Notice Edition 1

Well I found something to play with, so never the less the following are on notice according to me and the godful Stephen Colbert.

That is all for this transmission.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Economy... ain't this a sport blog.

Milton Friedman, the economist, the last great economist of the 20th century you might be told died the other day, and I know that for most of you this doesn't mean a whole lot, but considering that I'm slowly developing more and more of a taste for economics it has showed me that the day is now for new big economist to pop up and give out new theories or more appealing theories to explain the human nature of wealth and how to fix issues such as poverty and what governments can do to fix these (by the way governments are a burden, they do nothing but attempt to fix chaos in which they add chaos, sorry Anthony it's true, and don't worry NATO is no better in an economist view). Though Friedman worked with alot of politicians and their campaigns and gave advice, he said this was the only view governments could contol:

"The only thing government should do to control the economy was to control the supply of money. Inflation was caused by too much money chasing too few goods. He was an absolutist on this point, holding that inflation was "always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."

In a way though governments still don't do that, taxes definetly don't help the situation and the fact that governments protect there base rather than allowing free trade it has caused many problems between governments and the economy.

Enough about economy though, it's a sad loss for the community but he did leave a legacy for new economist to follow.

It's all about practice, or not practicing, and well to cheer the mood in the blog I'm leaving you with a bit of a classic pressconference, one that I can watch over and over again, my favourite is his ending comment to it all.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What to do about the Sens

Well it's been said that life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what your going to get, but I would like to change that, to I'm a box of chocolate, you never know what mood I'm going to be in. Yes you may all agree with me, my moods are more of a swing of sports happiness, to work lonesomeness, but in the end they can revert quickly as the smallest of things.

You may ask what am I making mention to, but i think it's pretty obvious, sports is alot like that as well, when you are feeling the high you are unbeatable, when your feeling low you can't get out of a slump. Sort of what the Senators are feeling right now, and alot like the republician leaders are feeling in the US. The other day on radio I was asked by my cohost what would I do to fix the Sens, would I do the sweeping changes that Ottawa fans are asking for in firing the whole management and starting fresh? My response to that was, no, sadly I don't think this is the time to implode that organization, it doesn't need to be done, it's alot like Dutch soccer where anytime L'Oranje lose the coach is expected to be fired, but instead this time around his contract was extended. But the thing is some tinkering needs to be done, and these were my suggestions.

#1. Get rid of Alfredsson or strip him of the captain, it has come to that time where Alfredsson is not the captain of that team anymore, it's Redden, he's the leader, Alfredsson is getting lost in the locker room, and personally I think it's a fact that some star players won't listen to a guy that was drafted so low, and in the end this team was built around Redden for the next while.
#2. Admit they made a mistake with Gerber and try get rid of him, he can't play in a market where fans are on him all the time, that's why Carolina was good for him, no media pressure, maybe Tampa Bay could use him, he can get some sun, some beach, stuff they don't have in the Alps, and get him away from snow.
#3. Find a second center, to relieve the pressure off the first line, or atleast someone that can win a freaking face off, that would help.

But those are my suggestions rather than imploding a team, but in the end don't panic, I think Sens fans would much rather have a team that starts slow and ends fast with a Stanley Cup, then one that dominates every season and then comes up short.

As for everything else, that should come later in the week, my stomach is growling at me right now, ah well, hope all is well with everyone out there.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Horses.... yes horses

Yes the topic is horses, those loveable beasts that prance around, and have been used many times to fight wars, hunt things, carry people around, jump over things, and basically have been our bitch for the last 500 years or so, maybe even longer, but then again the camal is a close relative of the horse, so let's just say man uses horses all the time.

Anyways this isn't a heartfelt Barbaro idea, I'm not about to spend the next 3 paragraphs talking about how Barbaro was unfortunate for breaking his leg, he was... but it still amazes me how many people think you can write to a damn horse and he will read it. Maybe that's the thing people believe in what they think can happen and not what reality tells us. Sorry for Barbaro put the only emails you'll get from me are the ones that mock anyone that is writing to you. Giving him a carrot or an apple and tell him to go find a mare and have a good romp in the park.

Moving on from that the story is about a bunch of horses in the Netherlands, that caught my attention today, and the attention of the nation of the Netherlands. Apparently a bunch of horses got trapped after a dyke got flooded over. This left the horses on an island of mud with nowhere to go. So anyways, for the few days not much was done, the hope was the water was too recede. It didn't fast enough and the horses started to starve and die. Which brought the military to come rescue them, they got about 20 of the horses, and couldn't get anymore cause there boats got stuck. So leave it to 4 woman on horses to cross the river and lead all the horses back over a spot that wasn't as deep. Yup that's right apparently the army couldn't think of the idea. Ah well, so the woman saved the day, and now everyone in the netherlands is now worried about the horses and hoping that they eat and make it out all alive. Ah well yes I thought a touching story was needed on this blog every once in a while.

Moving on to some topics that were brought to my attention by one known as AN

1. Why girls smell so nice in the halls. It really makes going to class worthwhile
Girls smell nice so that they can appeal to any blood thirsty male, and to make themselves feel better that other girls don't smell as nice, therefore it's an ugly bloodbath and as Chuck Swarsky would say "She's bleeding profously from the neck area... too much perfume on that one". So yes those that win are the guys who spend there time smelling said girl in hopes to get their number.
2. The rudeness in not answering an e-mail when you know they are expecting a response
Rudeness is not answering an email, but then again it depends who you are talking too, significant other; better reply right away or your dead, friends; you have one day if you are not busy - 3 days if you have a herniated disc because of what you did to someone the night before, coworker; 5 days, take as long as you want, rudeness is expected you work with him, randomstranger; expect the unexpected, don't reply, they might want to take you somewhere.

Sports issues
1. Well Chara scored a goal against the Sens to win the game, doesn't mean I'm about to start cheering for the man... nope I'll cheer when he gets traded in 4 years time
2. Soccer, soccer, soccer, what can I say, I enjoy UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup, still the most exciting tournament to watch every year, makes league play look like a waste of time to watch... I just need another goalie injury on Chelsea so I can see Terry in net again
3. B-ball season has started, it's great, it makes for a great 6 months, if only they could get rid of the slow play for the last 5 minutes of the game, I hate the commercials then
4. Memo to Isiah Thomas your 1-0, good job, just don't blow leads like Elton John blows.... okay I won't write the rest of the comment
5. I need a new sport to watch, someone mention something, anything, something new and dynamic that I should check out


Okay hope everyone is doing well, the final assignment time is starting to show up, hope all our ready for it, good luck and in the end remember that school doesn't really matter, it's about the friends and people you meet that mean the most, something that even i need to remind myself about sometimes.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

If your kid sweats you can get money, wonderful slogan for this new tax rebate

Ah yes the title, yes it's one that makes me laugh, actually it makes me laugh alot, that society and Canada in general have gone this far to get kids to exercise to reduce the obscene rise in obesity rate that is plaguing Canada and North America for that matter. But yes the study done by a bunch of consultants to figure out how best to give away the 500 dollars a year per family for physical activity was announced today. Or atleast it was announced on how they should go about giving the money away, as alot of arts and culture people are getting angry that sports gets money. I'm sorry to tell you guys that the arts are important, but it's not going to lessen the obesity rate much, I know as much as you hate to hear that, it's the truth and you will have to live with it.

Anyways this is what the panel recommended
* The tax credit not be issued unless the activity includes at least one session per week for a minimum of eight weeks.
* For children under 10, eligible activities should include at least 30 minutes of sustained and vigorous activity.
* For those over 10, the time rises to 60 minutes.
* The federal government let parents claim up to $500, but give them an annual maximum of $78.50 per child.

What I find really funny about it all is if the kid sweats he should given money, while you could say that eating can make someone sweet and it can be a sustained and vigorous activity if you are in an eating competition. Okay yes maybe I'm going to far there, but I just find it hilarious that the government had to waste a lot of money to figure out how they are going to give 78.50 dollars a year to each kid that does something active. But in the end I guess it's good they are doing some proactive, but really they could do alot better. How about changing rules at schools that don't permit kids to play such sports as dodgeball or tag because kids can get hurt. I'm sorry I don't like seeing kids get hurt, but at the same time more damage is being done to more kids by not letting them do physical activity. Cause we all see the effects now with that wonderful obesity rate and the lack of social skills among kids these days.

Which considering I'm going down this path I should continue, kids should be allowed to explore somewhat, find out who they are by investigating the world, not everything is white and black like the world has now been painted for kids. Again you can make a case that keeping kids entertained inside the house is worse for them with video games. Sure you know they are safe, but how are they supposed to learn how to act other people then their families. There are lots of kids that don't get to explore the world and then when they get to school or even the university life they can't communicate to others, they don't know how to go about, it's just not normal to them. So maybe we should give out money to kids that explore the world as well. Just a thought anyways, probobly a wee bit far fetched, but then again that's why I write this, cause it's my idea and my hope/interest for it to happen.

*Small notes section*
-Les Habs... please trade Sergei back to Boston, we will give you Chara
-Soccer... nothing of interest, except for the nibble event last weekend, Good job Germaine Defoe
-Baseball... world series eh. 4th game on right now... yes I'm riveted to my tv screen right now, oh wait that's a lie
-Hockey... hey after tonight Sens/Leafs series is half over, thank goodness, i don't want to hear the word idiot announced again
-Auto Racing... congrats go out to Mr. Alonso for beating Schumacher, you made my year I'm glad that Kraut didn't win a last championship
-Weather... start snowing already... I want to be blanketed in 30 cm of snow by next week please and thank you

To everyone out there I hope the midterm season is treating you well and all, keep up the good work and until next time. Good night now.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Recovering Addict

Yes you would wonder about that title, I know I know, it's a confusing state of mind and things, but there are alot of things that can describe a recovering addict, no it's not drugs I'm into, and no I haven't joined the smoking club Andrew (yes I do realize you are trying to quit, but it's my attention to make a silly remark as well), but no i'm trying to recover my sleeping pattern, which sadly doesn't seem to want to recover, and therefore I am an addict to bad sleeping patterns, maybe I'll fix it one day, but for now no such luck. Anyways I'm here to entertain you with a few ideas and to add a wonderful little music video and song that I can't get out of my head right now.

10 things I have to ask about sports this week.

10. Now did we really have to waste 6 games of baseball, that takes about 4 hours each to play, simple just play the 1 game between the Cardinals and Mets and stop having me to watch baseball highlights, no it's fun to play, but it's no compelling to watch unless your in the stadium (and yes I realize I'm going to take grief for that statement, that's why I said it)

9. Will the Dutch stop their disgusting display of cutting veterans and then pretending to invite old veterans back, just pick up Seedorf, move on with your life Van Basten, and fix the god damn midfielder... thank you from all Dutch Soccer Fans (L'Oranje for Life)

8. Fantasy basketball drafts are a way of life, or atleast for me, as sad as that may sound, it's even sadder how much time I spend trying to trade players because it's fun... okay so really I should not look at my team again and study, it's only the freaking preseason.

7. Congrats to the Detroit Tigers, finishing the series in 4 games was alot more compelling to me, you got it freaking done and have a close to 40 year old pitcher with the name of Kenny Rogers anchoring you, how can I now say I'm gambiling for you to win.

6. Memo to the Ottawa Senators... you can't lose all your games before the playoffs, as much as this strategy might finally pay off for you, but you can't you need to get into the playoffs... which I should take note, Boston, congrats on being pathetic, I quite enjoy seeing our defense with the big Chara look like swiss cheese.

5. Wonderful, brilliant, congrats F1, any chance you can cut down the season another 10 races would be greatly appreciated, okay I'm joking about that, while our series expands is nice to see one that contracts and can still make money doing so, go figure, wonder if baseball or hockey, or basketball could think of doing this.

4. To Dynamo Chelski (Chelsea of the EPL), I play keeper, hire me please, won't ask for much money, just want chance to prove myself to Mourinho. And don't worry I wouldn't have any pressure in regards to football... yes look at the video below

3. I would like to congratulate the Philly Flyers for giving Philidelphia something different to talk about in that town then that crap about T.0. where nothing happened. Atleast the Flyers are changing there team and throwing things around, that's more than can be said of what happened at that game a while back... it's okay Bobby you will lose your job soon enough.

2. The Buzzsaw learnt how to blow a lead better than Paris Hilton and Lance Bass combined know how to blow men... yes I went there, but that's only because Matt Leinart and Brian Urlacher have done the deed to ms. Hilton. Which begs the question, what's the over under for Paris per night... is 2.5 men, or 1.75 blow jobs or 0.5 videos... feel free to take me up on any of those odds.

1. Mike Tyson, I pray you fight a kangaroo, just so I can laugh at it later, no I'm not going to pay money to see it, but I'm more than willing to watch it... here's a better suggestion, how about fight OJ Simpson to a death match somewhere in some country that allows these sort of matches... North Korea could be an interesting sight, maybe they can drop the bomb and we can be rid of both... or then again all my entertainment value would be gone.

Anyways I hope that all you recovering addicts have some place to go and someone to take you on... I leave you with the following music video, which is my favourite 80's video I've come across yet.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Basketball draft as it happens

Well, it's 8:30 at night, and because I feel like it's a good idea to for once blog an opinion on something in the real world, I've went to the fantasy instead. Yes that's right it's the 6th or 7th anunal fantasy b-ball draft... yup I know I sound like a real winner. But it our way of keeping the gang together and having some fun at the same time. So yes that's what will happen. Now to get down to a bit of business, firstly Dustin is the defending champion of this league and has decided to pick at #2. Which is probobly a good choice... hate to decided who to choose at #1. As for those that live with me, Jose is at the 4th spot, myself at #6 and Mike at #10. Now to give anyone a little background, we've been researching for the last week, not that it means anything, just something for us to be entertained with. We also have erected a podium to announce our draft picks, along with a flag, and hopefully some compadres to clap there hands... but maybe not that far. And if we can pull it off we will put some of the video online, but that will be determined later.

So round by round, I will try keep up and either mock or give props, and just try to immortilize anything silly that comes about... from Thunder Bay Ontario, I'm Benny McCarthy reporting live.

Round 1.
Well going into this draft I sort of expect it to go Lebron, Kobe, Marion, KG, Wade... but that's just me... I could be completely wrong, which I've been known to do. Just my thought to start this off. So I've been informed it won't be Lebron... well then I'll just shut up and watch the draft and see how it progresses. Marion goes #1, I like the selection, it's what you wish to do with your team. James, and then KG go... it's all good picks. Jose takes Bryant, no other choice on that one. Brand goes at #5... leaving me with choice but to take Dirk... ah well he can do everything so I can't complain. Then Wade, Arenas, and Nash go next... little early on Nash, all he does is assists in the end, no defensive presence. Allen goes to Mike at #10, followed by Paul, Duncan, Pierce, Bosh... that ends Round 1.

Round 2
Okay so after that entertainment we move on to round 2... home on the range, in reverse order for all. Amare, Dwight and AK47 go in the first 3. McGrady goes next to a fan of Ming... I guess that works, he is a rocket. Mike is up now... I have a feeling AI will go... and I was correct perfectly. Fez takes J O'Neal... no one in this room thought that would be a collect selection. Chuck picks Ming, probobly a very strong selection in the end. Diaw goes next, and I'm up... well after small deliberation I went and picked Richardson, I keep getting him in every draft... maybe I overrate the guy, ah well, it's a solid pick in my mind. Near goes and takes Josh Smith... I think you can overrate a guy, and then you go and draft him in the second round... ah well I guess he blocks your mom after all, or steals her. Well Jose is up... what does he have instore for us... And he picks Jason Kidd... surprised... will get him assists. Carlos takes Carter, I like the pick... Wallace goes next to Dustin. Billups goes last in the round to Jason.

Round 3
Jason is on the board again, got to love how the snake works... he goes and picks Lamar... well done, great pick. Dustin takes Artest, Carlos takes Joe Johnson. Jose is up and he is asking himself what is availble, other than his sister not very much. Well he takes Brad Miller, he needed a stiff pool in the room... or stabiblity, whatever you like to call it. Near is up next. Takes my pick with Carmelo, leaves me no choice but to take Rashard Lewis... didn't want him, but he was there and the best availble. Hinrich, Bibby and Redd go next in a row. Mike is up next... taking his time, doing his scouting I assume, and about to make his selection to the world... he picks Atwain Jamieson... kind of scares me... but he likes the Tarheels... so he selects him (as Jose points out he tarred and feather me). Camby goes next... he's great for an injury or two a season... I like him and all, just wish he could stay healthy for more than 30 games. Rasheed goes next, nothing to say there... yay Wallace I guess. Chris Webber goes next (Mike wonders why... so do I), up next is Cousy... wonder what he will take. Oh wait he takes Iquodala... we all love our 76'ers back to back.

Round 4
Shaq is taking, followed by Davis, and then Wallace, then Jefferson... trying to concentrate don't have as much to say. Mike is up, he takes Okafor... no surprise he has a love for UCONN players. Okur, Peja, Gasol... followed by me picking Marbury, and then the overrated Tyson Chandler. Next up is Jose who will he pick. He picks the bearded European... well done Illgauskas... two quality centers so far. Boozer goes next... for a second there is their anyplace worse than a mormon state for him... no wonder he gets injured all the time... followed by Felton and then Chris Kaman.

Round 5
Mike James gets picked, intriguing. Tony Parker representing team french goes next. Terry goes to Carlos... I like the pick. Jose on the board, MANU... getting his south american fix. Samuel goes next, followed by me picking Maggette. Then Al Harrington, and then Butler and then Ford. Up next is Mike, he picks Howard. Randolph goes next, then Cassell, then Villneuva and then Mohammed.

okay okay, 9 more rounds went by and I refuse to blog about them... mostly because well frankly things got way too insane and I had to actually concentrate on the whole matter and all. So keep in mind everyone that I did put in some effort. Anyways in the end I'll have to try give a post analysis of some sort.

Personally my favourite team at the moment is Jason's... congrats you used the first pick to your full advantage and made some times plicks when it count. After that it's a pick type league, it's all depends on what categories people decide to go for, and who makes the shrewedest acquisitions and pickups throughout the year.

As for my team, I don't mind it, I did what I wanted too, going to make a few moves and watch to see if my team pans out. The three amigos in phase 3 put forth a great effort, and the podium was brilliant.

Hopefully we will put video up soon enough of what we were up to for the first few rounds... but that will take some time, lots of video editing to happen, but it all fairness it was probobly the funniest thing we have ever concieved up here. To all who were at the draft I thank you for being there and hope you enjoyed. You were all very ballsy with your picks.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Might as well put a big Z on his shirt.


So it was announced some days ago that Zdeno Chara (that loveable big man that the Bruins overpaid to get) will be the captain of the Boston Bruins... *I think my initial reaction to that was... who and what the *A%&@@* .... why.... *

And to be perfectly honest I'm still in that boat with the idea... I just don't get it, did we really have no one else in the Bruins organization that could be the captain, someone that has actually spent enough time with the team to actually understand the team dynamic. It's like telling Chris Pronger, hey welcome to Anaheim... here's the C, now don't go cheat on your wife so that we have to ship you off somewhere (oh wait that wife part already happened allegdealy). Moving along I really can't quite figure out why he was picked as the captain, it stumbs me, i am glad they didn't give it to Bergeron yet, he's too young and the pressure in Boston is too huge to be young and a captain (reminder of the Thorton trade... bah that still angers me). But there were other candidates... 2 that I think really could have been. The first is Glen Muarry, the man has been around hockey long enough to know it all and well, he's been with the bruins alot longer than Chara has been, for goodness sakes. Oh well maybe he's too old to be a captain... well then if we seem to like European captains, why not maybe choose the penalty killing specialist PJ Axelson (by far my fav. choice to have been the next Bruins captain). He's played with the team for years, known how to deal with the personel, and has never been a cancer or anything in the dressing room, he shows with his work ethic, which if you ask me is always a positive way to go about things. But hey, the Bruins choice Chara who will be bumbiling on the blue line all day and get accolades for looking like Hal Gill (by the way not a good thing in my opinion, oh well maybe they will let him play the tough guy role as well, break his hand... be a good fight, Chara vs McGratton, be there)

Enough ranting on Chara, probobly took up more space then he should have, sort of like him in general. Well another video the post... let's just say the Colbert Report is getting up there on my fav. tv show to watch radar... anything to do with an eagle blaming Canada and so forth is a good thing. Or naming things after an eagle works just as well. So enjoy the posted video.

In other news, Holland has 2 friendlies in the next week, ummm let's see if the turmoil of that team continues. Van Bommel gets picked again (why is beyond me) and then refuses to play for the favourtism showing son of a gun Marco Van Basten (yes I said I used to like him, that was until the Portugal match). So Van Bommel won't play, Ruud doesn't trust him yet, and well we are in for an interesting week again. He better win both games... anything less than that and Co Adriense will be coach... mark my words, it's called being a coach in Holland and coaching the national team.

Everyone enjoy your turkey... I'll be heating mine in a microwave... yup you heard that one right, no stove or oven leaves me with the only other route, which is microwavable food... you stay classy Thunder Bay.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thunked Eagle

Well greetings all, another wonderful bitterly cool day in the northern part of the province, and thankfully it still smells like fresh air. Yes that's right no pollution baby, no pollution.

Anyways in news, Chuck is home safe and sound, and I'm not talking about sports this post... mostly because my life has been me in bed or me going to class, less time to worry about pity things known as sports... damn you northern sickness damn you... okay so basically I've recovered.

But the meaning of the post is the attached video. I've become quite the fan of the Colbert Report and the Daily Show, and well a few nights ago I just happened to walk downstairs in time for this fantastic report of Stephen's Eagle... and well I can't stop watching it without laughing everytime. So I hope you all enjoy.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Chuck Thunked

Greetings all,

Well I want to congratulate Chuck for being the first male visitor to come up and visit me in Thunder Bay. Yes he now has that distinction, probobly for the better for him, the man last time I checked was looking for more back pills than leave it to beaver reruns... it's what happens when you travel, you get stiff body parts, sadly he is learning the lesson the hardway.

Sort of like Mr. Constantine, who sadly got suspended for one of the most creative ideas ever in terms of punishment. In hockey when you suck, and it can happen, usually the coach will make you do sucides for half an hour or so after the game, well apparently Mr. Constantine went to the university of creativity and tweaked it a bit... instead of any type of physical punishment, he went for the mental punishment. Instead of exerting oneself after a game even more he feed them dinner, instead of wasting lots of time and getting less sleep, therefore worst recovery, he drove them home right away. So you may ask, what's wrong with this picture, well it's simple, during that whole time they had to wear there hockey equipment. Yes hockey equipment stinks, and yes it's probobly slightly unsanitary to be eating food in your equipment (wonder if they went to an upscale restaurant, or maybe a Chucky Cheese, the guys could have played video games, or played in the ball pit, think of the fun it would be to play in the ball pit with hockey equipment on, diving at each other and all). But the point is, he was creative and I salute him, atleast he thought of something different, now if only we could get governments to think like that rather than the same old same old.

Anyways onto furthur business at hand, hockey starts, and sadly I don't care yet. The Tigers have almost blown up and giving up there lead, until they decided to come out and pull a Barcelona and win 17-2. But then again they might have just blown all there runs for the next year.

UEFA has started up it's round robin play in champions league, not much to report other than the fact that Real Madrid, is Real Madrid, lack of defense. Man U needs to teach Saha how to jump, apparently he doesn't know how too at all... poor guy, must be his unatheletic french ability.

Anyways just a quick update... cause Constantine is a wonder.

Watch out for Chuck, he'll be different after T-Bay

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ron Mexico Appreciation Day

Yes, that's right, an appreciation day is a well deserved day for Ron Mexico. And me and the guys couldn't think of a better day to do it then today. We have designated it as Ron Mexico Appreciation Day. For those of you who don't know Ron Mexico, I'll have to fill you in, firstly the name is an alias that was used by Micheal Vick and NFL Quarterback for the Atlanta Flacons. Who allegedly used the alias down in Mexico while he was on vacation. Sadly during the visit, he ended up giving some poor girl herpes, and apparently forgot to tell her before hand that this had happened. Hence the legend of Ron Mexico.

So in appreciation of his efforts, a party has been born. A party that will include the following, tequilla (as the mexican drink of choice), mexican food (hot and spicy), and friends (minus hopefully any idea of herpes being transmitted to anyone)... yes we don't condone herpes transmission. Also there will be no Ron Mexico Jr. antics allowed either, no guns, no robbing 15 year kids, and no stomping on people's legs trying to break them. Just good clean celebrating times.

So as the Mexican's would say


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thunked in T-Bay

That's Thunked,

Okay so the catch phrase hasn't caught on yet, no worries not even in my mind yet either, maybe it's a matter of time, or maybe I should just go with the classy Run you fucking dinosaur run phrase... or then again another kick at the can does just well enough.

Speaking of another kick at the can, Marco Van Basten is lucky that he gets to continue to coach the Dutch soccer team. Rumour had it, Co Adrienese, a Dutch coach that coaches the club team FC Porto was waiting on the wings if the Dutch had squeked out another 1-0 affair in there Euro 2008 qualifications. Thankfully for Van Basten and FC Porto a coaching change won't happen so soon... mind you I would have liked to see FC Porto try find another coach.

Well the US Open is getting to the grand finale, the big match up of Nadal and Federer is still on track. But no matter who wins this open it will forever be known as Agassi's swan song, and I have to say I enjoyed every minute he was on the court. He played with heart and determination, and with 23000 noisy New Yorkers behind him you would have thought you were at a soccer match. So thanks Agassi for the memories, I know my favourite will always be the time you got angry at your opponent at the US Open and decided to lob every ball he hit at you... as much as you didn't win every point it was just so funny to watch, oh and before I forget pretending to not throw the ball properly was funny as well.

Okay the pink taco, which probobly has gotten my favourite possible name for a football stadium, and leave it to my new fav. team, the Arizona Buzzsaw errr Cardinals. You'll be seeing me get my Leinart Hilton jersey shortly, or the every so popular Leinart's baby jersey, thank you USC basketball player for getting knocked up. Now if only Fred Smoot would come to the Buzzsaw that team would be complete.

In other news, I'm back in Thunder Bay, getting my life organized and setting myself up for an interesting year of classes, I'll update you more on that later, once I figure what I'm doing with my life... which sadly at this point I have no idea again. But never fear I'm signed up for a bunch of classes and we will see where the world takes me.

Back on the air hopefully this Sunday from 8 to 10pm on, I'll let you know if anything should change.

Take care all
Hup Holland Hup

Tuesday, August 15, 2006



This is the briefest of messages, just had to post the video though, couldn't help myself considering I always remember it. In the following video it will show you the proper way to charge the mound, which is you need to make sure no one can tackle you from behind. So without furthur ado, for all you baseball brawlers, who just need to get out from beside the plate and hit that dirt hill so that you can take a lousy swing at the pitcher and probobly miss. Let's face it, baseball players can't fight.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thunked Notes 1.2

Just a quickie here, and no not the kind of quickie anyone is thinking about, yes I know you all thought it was an ESPN report... sorry my mind didn't go that far down the gutter like some would have hoped it would have with that word.

Firstly, off to Kingston to enjoy to solitude of a house, maybe i'll have internet connection, than again maybe not. Either or shall be an interesting night, as per the norm I'm a slave for going down with friends. I really got to stop writing everything can take on a sexual meaning today.

In other news I'm glad tight pants boy, errr Nadal lost in tennis, made me worry less about the spanish people, I would have felt better though if someone had mixed in a Portugal's Spain comment in the broadcast, or Canada's Oregon, or something along those lines, maybe even a Ottawa's Kingston... yes that's right the queen picked us, get over the fact that you didn't become the big town Kingston... just enjoy the king in your name, you swine.

Football is coming up, and every Bengal's player is trying to make the team by getting put in jail for the best reason, but never fear until Maurice Clarrett makes the team anyone has a chance to win.

Baseball, it's baseball I continue to forget about it. Now off again I go to lalaland to enjoy a little trip.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thunked Notes 1.1

Plain and simple, sometimes I come out with random words to use as a catch phrase, other times I just am plain stupid and come up with a term that really probobly won't work or catch on at all, but well it just sounds funny. So here comes the thunked notes version. My new way of spurting off random ideas on different subjects, so that it comes and hits you straight in the noggin.

Firstly because I am not French it is time for me to way in on that wonderful contreversy known as the tour the france, plain and simple Floyd Landis cheated, and did a hell of a job doing it. But I'm not going to say he should be disqualified, actually in fact I'm going to applaud the man, I congratulate him for trying to cheat, but shame on him for getting caught. Let's be honest if we really wanted to make sports easier we should just let everyone cheat. This way we don't have to worry about every athlete cheating, as it will be the ones that can cheat the best will win. Yes this could have an impact on the younger generations, yes the health affects are negative, but if you are that driven to win for short term glory and an early passing, well it's your choice, go for it. So realistically, I wish Dick Pound would shut up for once, that more people would cheat and get caught, and that everyone would give up on how bad steroids are for you, if you want to fix something, how about you start with banning fast food, that will have more of an impact on health than that of steroids.

Reminder to the Iberian Penisula, when fighting forest fires, make sure to use enough water to stop a blaze, if blaze is 20 feet high, make sure to have an escape plan, and a car that can go faster than the wind is blowing the flames. Just some helpful knowledge to all those brothers fighting fires in Portugal (I gurantee you some arson set them because Portugal lost)

Harry Sinden, aka the bastard who hasn't won a cup for the Bruins in 30 years. Okay so I like the man somewhat, he hasn't been that bad, just in the last 5 to 10 years I've come to question some of his moves, I think the mind just started to go blank there. But then again he did bring us Neely for nothing, and well we did win a couple of stanley cups with him around. I just think it was time for him to move on, and you can tell he didn't want to, but it was either resign, or get fired, and well resigning just looks so much better in the public eye. So thanks for the service Harry, but also thank goodness you are gone. Next up a new owner for the Bruins, instead of the Fire Millen campaign I now direct you to the Fire Jacobs campaign.

On a side note of the last comment, will the Bruins be giving out bobbleheads of Jeremy Jacobs on opening night to create a riot. Sort of like the stanley cup did last year, when 50% of them ended up on the ice to end the game. Just a strategic move Jacobs to see your popularity.

Next up, what does Heather Mills (formely McCartney) and Ben Roethlisberger have in common... simple they have both been in accidents involving motorcycles. Ben messed up his grill and probobly the Steelers chances to repeat this year and Heather lost a leg. Now they do have differences, Ben was the moron riding the motorcycle, and Heather was the moron who didn't hear the siren on the police motorcycle that hit her. Really I just had to put that out there so you could all see that my mind works in different ways, not always the proper way.

Now to baseball for a quick second.... Blue Jays are sucking.

Moving on from baseball, told you it was a quick second.

Soccer also known a football, time for the leagues to start up shortly, and time for me to get on PSV jersey and hope for a good year of glory, hell I'll cheer on any dutch team in the Champions league, and pray that Juventus continues to suck for 3 years after that cheating scandal... again cheating is only good when you don't get caught.

That's all for today's version on thunked, I would like to thank all those who read the coloumn, the more you post the more it inspires me to write.


P.S. Jose I know you are going off to fight forest fires in Portugal, make sure to save the farm, and grab some roast beef... and yes I'm still expecting you to call soon.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Zidane headbutt an art form?

Greetings my always happy to hear from me friends.

Well after a hiatus on a 2 day camping trip, which I might add was quite relaxing, let me tell you, the whole no moving thing and lying in a hammock all day long reading a book was probobly the most needed thing ever... I may buy a hammock and put in in my backyard, and just swing from it all day long, or atleast that's what I would like to do.

But enough about my life, i'll post a couple of camping pictures and move on with my life back to the sporting world... well this time the art world. By now everyone has seen the Zidane headbutt, it has become more popular that the song who let the dogs out was 4 years ago. *Yes I still replay the headbutt, it cracks me up*. But now it has become an art form, a musical art form. So without furthur ado, I have to lead you to the song that was made just for Zidane's headbut. It's called coup de boule and was writing by three associates of La Plage Records, a small label specializing in jingles and sound effects. Coup de Boule, in french means head butt in english, just to make sure you all get your daily dose of translations provided by myself. But yes it's quite a catch reggae inspired tune. I know I'll probobly play it over and over again for the next week or so. But without furthur ado. Here it is, in all it's glory.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dissapeared, never a good thing

Greetings fellow blog mates,

So yes I dissapeared for quite a while, okay clearly I blame the world cup and my team being out and not allowing me to gloat, but it's a silly excuse, and well won't be used anymore. So why wasn't I around, maybe because my creative writing took a nose dive faster than the New York Islanders chances of winning the stanley cup anytime soon... seriously Garth Snow... you got to be freaking kidding me, but they aren't, and in the end I blame Mad Mike for somehow messing up the Islanders some more. Reminder goalies don't make good GM's, they take way too many shots to the head.

Anyways, i myself am getting my quota of sun each day, probobly over the quota and will get skin cancer in a few years and hate the fact I was a lifeguard... maybe I should add the fact I'll probobly get cataracts and just about any other sun problem one can have, then again maybe not, and that's all for the better. Yes i do wear my sunscreen each day, but when one is in the sun for 5 hours with no stoppage to hit the shade and hide from the sun, one is going to take in alot of wonderful UV rays.
Ah well atleast I have the wonderful racoon eyes.

I would also like to comment that John Slamons is a gigantic moron, firstly for not wanting to go to the Suns and enjoy the run and gun offense, and then not wanting to go to Phoenix North aka Raptors and playing the same sort of game. Could someone tell me what he wishes to do as he has no contract as of right now and well no one is going to offer him any big money, or maybe money doesn't matter and family matters, I'm sure it does Mr. James, errr wait you didn't end up in Houston like you wanted too, hmmmm so it sure isn't family. But yes athletes, espeically in the NBA make me laugh, they think they can ask where to go, and think that team will accept them, sure some of the star players could get away with this, but when your names are Mike James and John Salmons you should just be freaking happy you still have an NBA contract and a wealthy one at that for your play. But then again, what do I know about the culture of the NBA, probobly nothing, only read a book on it, and did my own studying for classes. So alas I'll just shut up before I dig myself a whole I won't get out of.

Reminder to F1, as much as I love watching it, you guys still suck, and haven't been able to change it for 10 plus years, ever since Senna's death has that sport gone nowhere, you ask why, well it's pretty simple, firstly the cars still don't pass each other very often, which I hate to say makes the sport, you have made pitstops mostly ineffective as everyone can do it, you have also cut any dynamic out of the races but the obscene budget some teams are on. Put a budget on how much teams are allowed to research, you are killing the sport, you need more teams to compete so that more people will watch and rather than kill your sport you can grow it. Sure you went into the Asian and Middle East market, but that's not growing your sport in the core market, which is Europe.

Anyways that was a quick post, more on everything shortly... I really really really promise.

Hup Holland

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How to soccer commentate

Just a quick note for the ESPN coverage of how to commentate a soccer game, remember you need to show a bit of passion, and also you need to yell and scream, instead of being some stiff in a suit who has no idea what they are talking about, that's right I'm looking at you Balboa. And for entertainment purposes if you can mix in a you're with me leather comment then I will never make fun of you ever again. Now in case you didn't know how to do that, watch the following video from 1998, and listen to the passion.

Remembering Hoffa as a Raptor

Well I didn't go after this right away when it happened, I apologize the world cup came ahead of making fun of Rafael Araujo. But alas, the former BYU stiff is off to Utah, perfect for his mormon like tendencies and his ability to play below the rim. The question that needs to be asked though is will AK47's wife use her free sleep card with the brazalian mormon stiff who knows already had to go through the ladies.

Just so we don't forget, here is his best moment of the last 2 years with the Raptors and when I mean best, showed his talent as best he could. Actual talent is a whole different question, and so is heart. Ah well good luck Hoffa plenty of mormons in Salt Lake City for you.


Real Rap in my view

Well I feel like I should culture people in this blog, and when I mean culture I mean culture them about Netherlands and about music and the industry as a whole today. I have left the following video for you to watch with the words posted in english for you to understand. Enjoy it and read my thoughts on it after.

I'm from the country of Pim Fortuin and Volkert van der G.
The country of Theo van Gogh and Mohammed B.
Am from the country of croquettes, frikadellen
Which you can order all the way until the Spanish coast
From the country where index never goes out of fashion
Where they'll crack you up the moment you will make it large
Am from the country of red white blue and the golden lion
Plundered the world and called it the Golden Age
Am from the country of weedplantations and bicycleraces
The country you can ask a junkie for a bike
The country that became euro champion in 88
The country of biting herring, dikes and canals
Am from the country of, the country of tall Fransie
This is the country I come home to after my vacation

Am from the country where I was born in 1982,
Where I lost the guilders to the euro
The country that participates in the war on Iraq
Cause uncle Bush has Balkenende in his bag
The country where miserly is common no doubt
Cause Baas B is still from Diemen South
The country of riots between Ajax and Feyenoord
But when Orange plays everyone will gather
The country of Johan Cruijf and Aben Lenstra
The legion never lets the lion down
The country where we hope the weather will improve every day
No one trusts the weather guy anyway
The country that has been free since 45
The country where I'll stay forever
I love it

I'm from the country you can drive through in less than three hours
With a different dialect every ten minutes
Am from the country where theoretically there's room for everyone
And where XTC is export product number 1
Am from the country where Andre Hazes will always rule in every bar
Where Peter Gert-Jan Raymond Frans Bart and Ali run the game
Am from the country where hip-hop is a 30 year old kid
You find out how cool that is
The country where prostitution and dope smoking is allowed
The country of Sinterklaas and Queensday
This is the country I was lost and betrayed
This is the country I was born and raised

I'm from the country with the highest cultural diversity per sq. meter
But where one is too afraid to have dinner with his own neighbour
And integration is a beautiful word
But shit, it's fuckin bitter when it is never heard
I share my country with Turks & Marrocans, Antillians, Moluccan & Surinames
The country where we hold to many thoughts back
Worldwide represented by Harry Potter
A country where Apartheid, internationally
is the best known word from the Dutch language actually
Am from the country that ticks like a bomb
The country that has dinner at 6 and is always on time
This is the country where I'll win in the end
Untill you sing along in the ArenA subways
And till that time I've lost my heart
This is for Holland, Baas B, Lange Frans

That's the song, and if you watched the crowd, the silence in the crowd is wonderful, it was played in Nederlands and well young and old understood it and to me that's what makes this rap wonderful. It cultures others of a real life problem, makes you think, hence why I've never liked some North American rap, I find that it's not telling a story but rather trying to make a quick buck about being shot 50 times, or berating other singers. Sure it's all fun and games for some, but when every rap song has little meaning other than picking up a girl at a club, losing a girl, or telling some story about how his or her life was so tough, then really it's not worth my time to listen. For the most part that's what I perceive as North American rap, in the end their is no story only a bunch of random thoughts, with a thuggery beat that gets everyone thinking that being the big bad tough thug isn't so bad after all. What does this bring, it brings out the thought that everyone can be a thug and dress with the bling, steal things, get shot at and life will be good. But to me that's not what rap was supposed to be about. Back in the early 90's is when the real North American rap was around, telling stories about the difficulties of being black, the struggles of a North American society and so forth, and to me that's the kind of rap that should be heard which it isn't anymore. Anyways hopefully you all reflect on this, feel free to post your thoughts, for or against, it's more of a debatable topic for everyone.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Well the Dutch are out

The recovery process begins now for myself... I have to say i'm still digesting the game and it still stings in a few ways. I have to say I'm ashamed with the reaction of some Dutch fans on the world cup blog that I frequent, but at the same time and ashamed of the squad itself and also Portugal's team and fans. Basically it's one big mess nowadays, and I have to wonder if there would be a riot by the end of the night between the fans, as clearly the players didn't seem to mind going ahead and trying their luck in a hockey rink. I will apologize in advance as I'm just writing out my feelings and that I may jump around from time to time, i'll try my best to keep this in context, but rather than people asking me later what I thought, they can read the blog and understand where I'm coming from.

So I will rewind all away back to December when the pools were put together, Jose (my portuguese roommate) and I were watching the the little 10 inch tv that we have at school and watching the draw come out. We watched, and I predicted the group that the Dutch got and 2 our of the 3 freaking opponents we got drawn with. But anyways that's nowhere with where this story is going, it's more in the sense of when we first looked at it we knew that we would sadly probobly play in the round of 16. Firstly because we were probobly going to finish behind Argentina, and well Portugal was probobly going to end first due to the easy group they got. Anyways so back in that day I knew this day would come.

Rewind to the start of the world cup, I may not have said it, but their were 2 teams I didn't wish the Dutch to meet, firstly the Brazilians (we seem to screw up alot in the last 30 years against them) and Portugal (1-6 record doesn't look good on us... make it 1-7 now). You may ask what do these 2 teams have in common, well firstly both are coached by Brazilians, but that's not the real reason, the real reason is that they play our game, the Dutch game, offensive soccer, and they play it as good if not better than us at times. No other nations play soccer like these 3 nations do, and that's what is the big difference, we can't seem to match up well against teams that play our game, maybe it's cause we are so used to a defensive team that we forget about the offensive punishment those teams can put on us, their creativity and the fact they want the ball.

Fastforward to 5 days ago
I've been a wreck since that matchup reared it's ugly head, cause I knew it was going to happen and that their was nothing I could do about it. I've been told by people I'm not a real Dutch fan when I say we are going to lose to Portugal, it was a gut feeling, and a feeling of hating to play that opponent, sure I guess maybe I shouldn't have been so pessismistic, but alas it's how I felt and I thought I would state my opinion. I guess it was my attempt to be a realist of a fan and not just someone who pretends that their is nothing wrong at all and that everything is going well, when clearly it's not.

Game day
Like every game day this world cup, I've been dressed it my orange hat, orange 2000 to 2002 version Dutch jersey and I sat downstairs on the couch watching the game, maybe it was the fact I was alone this time, maybe I should have told people to come over, but i didn't, I was set to watch the game in agony by myself. My family left me alone, didn't even bother to come down, probobly for the better at points as clearly I wasn't in the mood to socialize.

Start of the game,
Well it was announced, the starting lineup, for some reason we have to start Sneijder and Van Bommel, yes I really dislike seeing both of those guys on the field at the same time, they fire shot after shot on net all the time, most times it's blocked, but they sure love to blast it rather than setting up plays in the midfield. The bigger news was the like of Ruud, while I was fine with it early on, I was expecting him to come in by the 60th minute if something was needed to be done... like score a freaking goal. So I was a tad nervous.

1st half,
Well first 10 minutes, Dutch has some good possesion, but we didn't infact use it at all, it was more of a let's play with the ball a bit, some chances were always one pass short, or one stupid shot long, or the fact that we could organize ourselves between the forwards and midfielders, it's been a problem all tournament, that last touch of the ball (quick pass to the forward), that never seemed to work at all, maybe it's the young and inexperience of the team still, but it just never seemed to click in the end. Then Portugal took charge a bit, found some room and Maniche scored an excellent goal, very nicely played with Pauleta and they deserved that goal, I have no problem admitting the Dutch defense broke down, and couldn't close the gap in time. Van Der Saar had no chance on it either. So 1-0 Portugal, they keep the play a bit for the next 10 minutes, finally the Dutch seemed to have woken up, or got rid of those nervous butterflies and start to take some control of the game, a few chances, some very nice work by Van Persie on the wing, if only he could finish the shot (maybe this is why Arsenal doesn't use him more). And a red card. Might I add the other like 3 yellow cards in the first half, mind you that didn't seem to matter much, cause it only got worse later.

2nd half
Well probobly the strangiest half of this year's world cup, and probobly will become well known as the game that just lost all marbles. 3 more red cards giving out, a brawl, another 9 yellow cards, Scolari yelling at Basten, lots of diving, pushing, shoving and really a whole lot of crappy none soccer play. A few chances, Cocu off the post (the old guard hitting the post... sigh sounds so familiar, and it wasn't a shootout), a few close changes and some 9 on 9 action. In the end Portugal won.

Marco Van Basten:
I still like him as a coach, as for the most part the Dutch team was kept together this tournament, but he did get out coached this game in a way, and he also tried to put his stamp on the team. He went for youth this tournament, I supported the idea, cause he brought a few veterans, but I did not enjoy the fact that he didn't play Ruud and instead put on VofH on to try score a goal, we never had a high ball to go after firstly, secondly our corner kicks sucked so much that it didn't matter how tall our big forward was, it wasn't going to do much. Sadly Ruud should have been on for Kujt, and he might have scored that goal that Kujt couldn't flick over the goalie. I like Kujt, he puts in a big effort all over the field, but the man can't score, he hasn't been a finisher really at all for the amount of chances he gets, it's a developing talent I guess, but Ruud would have been more effective in this flowing game with less players on, he needs space and he would have gotten it. As well Robben was getting double teamed all game because Ruud wasn't around and Portugal could focus on him, hence the fact that he was rather ineffective most of the game until it opened up with the circus show. In the end Van Basten got out coached, or out manuvered even himself, but I still think he should continue to lead this team until 2010, the players respect him, and he's coaching isn't that bad, give him time, he's learning as well and will grow up with these guys, and hopefully in 4 years we will be back and more ready and less nervous with the experience they will have gained.

The game itself
Diving, a Portuguese and Dutch tradition. Yes that's right a tradition, it's nothing new, and sadly I expected it, the problem was the Russian ref bought into most of it and threw out cards with more reckless abandoment then Shawn Kemp in a bedroom. Sadly he got suckered by the dirty tactics of both teams, and well they both kept playing like that because of it. If he had called a few diving calls that would have ended that game and it could have opened up, or closed up into an actual game of soccer.
The Dutch played with nerves for a good portion of the game, and you can't win games when you can't string that last pass together. I don't agree with people when they say the Dutch have no talent, as we saw it when players went one on one with others, but it was the last 1/3 of the pitch where we couldn't make that perfect pass to spring the forward, or for that matter pick out the right player coming down, everyone had tunnel vision sadly.

For now I wish Portugal well against england, I know the rivalry between them and the Dutch is only now just beginning, and will continue to grow, sort of becoming our Czech problem, just going to have to get over it. I hope they can manage without Deco and Miguel, and maybe Figo, but only time will tell, atleast beat up on England, cause really in the end no one likes them. For now I will hide away and ponder some more about the game and the future of the Dutch squad still hopefully looks bright.

Hup Holland

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bring on the West Iberian

Ah yes,

Quietness on my front, it's a patient quietness, I didn't want to cause the wrath of the gods to strike down on me. So it hasn't yet, somehow the Dutch made it quietly through the round robin, not stepping on too many toes and therefore not causing me to become over confident nor over nervous. Usually it's the latter of the two I have problems with as they love to not make it easy on themselves. But here we are, moving onwards, and yes this is why I have stayed quiet. I haven't wanted to put my foot in my mouth, and probobly should just stop talking now, but got to move on, the round of 16 is upon us.

So after a round of 2: 1 goal games and a 0-0 tie, I have to say i'm pleased. You may ask why, but it's simple, we have had tough games so far, no easy games and slowly but surely we are building ourselves up. So why the nervousness with Portugal. I'll be honest I don't want to play them for a couple of reasons. I believe they are a quality team, and I don't want to lose due to bragging rights with the one they call the slave trader.... yeah you know who he is.

Anyways i'll be pushing the dutch bandwagon is obvious nervousness and I'll be ready for the game this coming Sunday. It should be another classic battle between the 2 teams... just hope my team prevails. More to follow shortly enough.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Hup Holland

Hup Holland indeed,

I've giving myself a day to celebrate, me and the Grolsch bottle, alot like Kyle Orton and the Jack Daniel bottle. But I didn't go that heavy on the celebrations, while I'm very happy with the vicotry, 3 points is 3 points, I do realize that it's still 6 games to go to win the world cup and to me that is the ultimate goal, so rather party slowly and get bigger and bigger as it goes along. So if we do happen to win in July 9th, I'll have to have a kegger, some strippers and a room painted orange... hmmm on second thought that could be a financial issue at the end of the tournament. "Sir why do you need a bank loan?" ummmm because I pissed all my money away after the Nederlands won the world cup.... yes that's clearly going to work well for me.

But we must move onwards, after a slow and unpacy match with the S&M crew, we now get to move on those Ivorians and the stamina and quickness that they have. I watched the game against Argentina, and one thing is for sure you can't sit back on them, not that I expect the Dutch too, as they have always liked to own the ball and move it around on there own pace, but we will have to make quicker and better quality passes in the attacking third if we wish to win the game outright. With saying that though, I think the Dutch are better prepared to play an Ivory Coast squad then an S&M crew. Our 3 friendlies before were against Cameroon, Mexico and Australia. Two out of the 3 teams play a more open style, an attacking football style, which should allow more room for Mr. Horseface (Ruud) to create in the middle of the attacking 1/3. Robben looked disgusting this weekend, always was a quick bugger, as long as he and Van Persie stay unangry towards each other. Which I'm sure Van Basten has already fixed. Clearly Van Persie was angry, but the problem was Robben was on his game, and the Dutch ran with it that way, I don't expect that to happen again, as Van Persie had great flashes of brilliance as well when he did get the ball.

As for the midfield, well Cocu was there, but not really there, not the crisp passes I'm used to seen from the old veteran, and Sneidjer just scared me every free kick he took went not at all where it was supposed too, maybe it was nerves, maybe the injury or maybe the heat, but he really didn't overly impressed me with the amount of touches he had with the ball. Hopefully the Dutch squad will continue to get healthier and we will see the likes of Van der Vaart back to lead the midfield attack. The defense held up well for the most part, I do rather like seeing Boularhouz in the middle, but that's just my personal preference. All in all yesterday was a great start to the campaign, and uncharacteristic start for the Dutch, and hopefully we can just improve on the situation on Friday. Just watch out for Drogba, but I'm sure Robben has tips on him.

Hup Holland

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Marco van Basten Top 15 Quotes

Yes Marco van Basten is a man who's not afraid to say what's on his mind for the most part, and indeed I like the fact he tells it like it is, so here is his top 15 quotes in my opinion, that I could read in english so far, if you have anymore you like post them as a comment, and if I like it enough I'll add it into my list.

1. 'As long as it is an open talk and you are not out to win the discourse, everyone involved can only gain from it. Neither Cruyff or I invented the game so none of us is right per se. Although, when it sunk in after a while, I usually had to agree that he was right after all. I still love those talks, but there are few players now with a clear opinion so it does not happen very often. That is a pity.'

2. “I'm satisfied with the result, but not with the way we played,” On just about every game that they win.

3. "It was like an episode of Mash in the dressing room." After the game against the Aussies where 3 Dutch players left with injuries

4. “Oranje is a fleurige mixture of freedom and blijheid, fanaticism, game joy and youthful zest, with sausje pure class transvased.” On his thoughts on what being a Dutch National team player is all about

5. 'We've abandoned the petty fines for coming late or leaving mobiles on, as this is not the kind of money that will hurt any modern player. As a punishment he now has to tell a joke in front of the group. That works very well. No one has sinned so far.' His way of fining players

6.'Many sides in the competition have an advantage compared to us due to their experience of playing in major competitions,' he says. 'We have other qualities, but this is a tough challenge for us.' His attempt at making it look like the Dutch are the underdogs and have something to proof, rather than being known as the favourite.

7.'Big names mean nothing to me, I am only interested in good players. I do think other midfielders have shown they can do better in the national team than Seedorf. A player like Van der Vaart can be a stylish playmaker, but also does his fair share of work for the team and that is exactly what we are looking for.' On his reason why he didn't choose Seedorf, Maakay and Davids

8.I've said to him a couple of times, "Do you enjoy it, Alex? Daddy won't make you play football." After I said it the first time, he did his best especially. But football means nothing to him. He doesn't support a club, either. It really doesn't bother me. It's just good for him to move a little, to play sport. But he likes K'nex much more - the toys you have to put together. His grandpa, Liesbeth's father, is handy, too. He must have got it from him. Alex can put together a K'nex fairground in an hour. And yesterday he was doing a puzzle.' Marco softer side and that he isn't trying to push his son and has come to accept it that he won't be a star soccer player.

9.“We train always on the knife edge with a lot of emotion, but I explained to Ruud that it is important that we control our emotions and treat team mates with respect.” Making everyone realize that it's all ofr the team.

10. 'I hardly believe that is the case. As coaches John van't Schip and I try to behave as equals with the players. We don't shout across the training ground to get everyone's attention. The players look at me like I am just a trainer and not some legend from the past. If they ever had my posters on their bedroom wall, I don't think they are still hung up there. I go to the bathroom just as they do.' How he is an equal and the team all has the same respect level, even though he is the coach doesn't mean at all that he is better than them.

11. Every country has been given a slogan and the orange bus used to transport the Dutch players at the tournament is adorned with the line: 'Orange on the way to gold'.

"We don't like it because we try to keep everything calm and this might be seen as a provocation" Van Basten told reporters on Wednesday.

12."Players can get in real good form, while others fall through the ice" How much ice there'll be in a German summer remains to be seen, but we're pretty sure some of the Dutch squad will give their team-mates the cold shoulder.

13."Klaas-Jan had a good season at Ajax and Heerenveen with many goals but is unlucky that we won't take four central strikers to the World Cup," On his reasoning for not picking Huntleer, just one two many central strikers.

14. “This staff intends to build a team which is offensive and attractive where the players must show proof of initiative and especially take pleasure in putting on the orange jersey.”

15. “They're all countries with a rich history and technically skilled players. We're going to make sure that we're well motivated from the start. If you start out with a tough one you immediately know what you are worth.”

U bent met me, Leer

Yes your with me leather indeed. Have to keep up with the tradition at on that one and thank them for that reference. If you ask me, it has alot to do with soccer in a way anyways. The ball, used to be made of leather back in the day, and if you called it leather now, people in the world would still understand the concept quite well. As is said with the world cup now so close and the Dutch getting ready for there game on Sunday, I will now have another look at the probable starting lineup and add some notes on each of the players, my thoughts of where they are at, and how they will do this world cup coming up.

Hup Holland

Starting Lineup:

Edwin van der Sar:Okay so the Lions are going to live and die through their goalie this campaign. His experience and veteran leadership is what's going to keep our back line together and organized so that we can show a tough defensive fight. It's his last chance probobly to catch glory in a world cup and I'm pretty sure he plans to make his last stand. In Euro 2004 we saw a very good performance and expect much the same and if not a little better as his time at Man U has just improved him.

Defense (4)
Giovanni van Bronckhorst: Also known as Gio, will be playing the left side most likely, and floating around like he is known to do in Barcelona, expect to see him coming down the left side to help out the offense, can play his defensive position pretty well, but is more known for his offensive flair, sort of like a Cafu in Brazilian circles, just not as old yet.

Wesley Sneijder: Hoping that he can get back from his ankle injury in time, Sneijder while known as a midfielder can play the back line well. Adds a bit of experience to the back 4 and some height, which is a problem against some of the bigger teams in the group. A well rounded player who can move the ball quickly up the pitch.

Jan Kromkamp: While looking like a stiff against Aussies it shall give him something to prove during the opening round as long as Van Basten does indeed give him his spot back, which i don't see why not, you didn't bring Opdam up, which in my mind was maybe his biggest mistake, but then again we all need to believe in Marco and hence forth I will do so.

Khalid Boulahrouz: Solid Right Back, a stay at home defender that takes care of business. Won't let many of the winger's through and is quick enough to stay with them. Expect people to attack down the middle rather than worry about facing Boulahrouz.

Midfield (3)
Mark van Bommel: While he has been less then impressive lately, van Bommel can indeed play soccer, still getting over a slight injury Van Bommel can move the ball very well, and can run with the team, as long as he plays with the team. For now expect him to be playing the right side and getting the ball up to the wingers.

Phillip Cocu: The god of the Dutch team, Cocu is about as veteran as you get and is in charge of this team, can organize the offense and defense extremely well. Great passer and great vision of the field. May be the most underrated star Dutch player of all time, never gets enough credit, but can move to any part of the field that he is placed and be a star. This is his last chance and expect him to do everything he can to get the Dutch to the finals.

Rafael van der Vaart: If he ain't injured, which at the moment has been rehabbing an ankle for the last 2 months, he can be the player that organizes the attack and leads the Dutch up the field. A very good passer and very good at organizing opposing defenses into doing what he wants before sending a pass up the field for a goal. Hoping he gets healthy so he can lead the attack on the left side.

Forwards (3)
Robin van Persie: A surprise to be honest, most expected Kuyt to be probobly be starting, but all indecations now say it will be Van Persie. A very good winger for Arsenal, van Persie can twist defensemen left and right on the right side. Very good pace, good ball handler, not known for his scoring yet, will probobly tire after 60 minutes and be replaced with Kuyt.

Ruud van Nisterlrooy: Ah everyone's favourite horseface. Ever since his split in Man U, he has remained faithful to the Dutch and from all accounts seems ready to show Man U and the world why he is considered one of the best strikers in the world. While not the flashes player in the world, he knows how to get to the right spot at the right time. He also can deke you out with his offensive skills when he wants too, but again I state you would think so when you first watch him play.

Arjen Robben: The Chelsea player, and right winger of the team has been having injury problems for the last year. Only in the last few days has he finally shown the pace needed to play. A deft deaker, and able to pull the trigger when needed, Robben can create and handle the ball almost as good as any player in the game. Expect to see him running with the ball lots and getting open on his right side before he crosses the ball in the middle towards Ruud.

There you have it, anyways I haven't fully decided yet and if public opinion changes my view I may live blog the world cup Nederlands games in my Dutch perspective, depends if people wish to see me write in agony and joy. Against haven't decided, post a comment if you wish to sway me to blog, cause I will honestly do it on Sunday morning, may be theraputic for me in a way.

I live you now with a Crazy Frog video, that has come out just in time for the world cup. I do thank Jose for finding this, as always I'm in your debt.

World Cup Official Music Video

Oh the world Cup,

It's coming, it's rolling in like the cold wet weather that seems to come every weekend in Ottawa nowadays. But alas, atleast this is more exciting then a cold wet rainy day. I'll be honest the Cup has peaked my interest to an ultimate high. I finally found out the main cup song today, took me a while to locate it, not sure why as once I found it, I found it everywhere, maybe it's me being a moron with the controls. Anyways here is the video below. I do like to point out a couple of things, firstly I'm slightly dissapointed in the song, it's not very German, yes I do realize it's a pop classical R&B style, which in a way signifies the culture of German music, which is very open to anything across the board. But I was half expecting some kind of heavy metal band to put something in, give it that extra little flavor, or bass beat that I could blast in my card. Instead i'm left with Il Divo and Toni Braxton. A reminder that none of these singers are German, I guess it is an international tournament, but again would have rather had a home grown singer from Germany singing. Anyways enough for that, I will be posting my thoughts on the Dutch a bit later tonight.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

World Cup Guesses

Yes because I feel like making a fool out of myself I'm going to take a guess at how the rest of the tournament is going to go based on the predictions that I've made. Shall be intersting if I'm even 1/4 right after this point. Enjoy making fun of me you pundits, I'll dance like Peter Crouch if I'm correct by 50%.

1A (Poland) vs 2B (England)
Score Poland 1, England 2 ... 50 dead, cause surely we will have another riot
1C (Serbia and Montenegro) vs 2D (Mexico)
Score Serbia and Montenegro 0, Mexico 0 Shootout Mexico 4 Serbia and Montenegro 2 ... They caught the 2000 Dutch disease
1B (Germany) vs 2A (Sweden)
Germany 2, Sweden 1 ... clearly I'm hoping for a proposed match coming into effect shortly
1D (Portugal) vs 2C (Holland)
Portugal 1, Holland 2 ... revenge from 2004, Deco doesn't get that goal in and Figo finally hits his last legs
1E (Czechs) vs 2F (Australia)
Czechs 1, Australia 2 ... apparently Hiddink put something in the water
1G (Swiss) vs 2H (Tunisia)
Swiss 2, Tunisia 0... the Swiss roadblock, no woman allowed to be seen by the Tunisians
1F(Brazil) vs 2E (Italy)
Brazil 1, Italy 1 Shootout Brazil 4, Italy 5... Italy has good target practice from switching sides in previous wars
1H (Ukraine) vs 2G (France)
Ukraine 1, France 3... Cause clearly France never wishes to go away

England vs Mexico
England 2, Mexico 0... apparently the Robot just keeps going
Germany vs Holland
Germany 1, Holland 2... The orange Nazi helmets come into full effect at this game
Australia vs Switzerland
Australia 1, Switzerland 1 Shootout Australia 3, Switzerland 4
The Socceroos thuggery ends with neutrality
Italy vs France
Italy 0, France 0 Shootout Italy 4, France 3
Apparently Italy heard that taking a bath gives for quicker movement and better health

England vs Switzerland
England 1, Switzerland 2 ... those woman ads are really paying off
Holland vs Italy
Holland 1, Italy 1 Shootout, Holland 5, Italy 4
Okay so I got my revenge finally

Switzerland vs Holland
Switzerland 2, Holland 3
Offensive soccer, and I would be a happy happy man, no more bridesmaid for me

Okay so yes somehow I called a Holland victory, though they could quite noteable lose out at anytime with the amount of injuries they have right now, but hey it's only fan being a Dutch fan to support the Dutch team

Enjoy the world cup, it's only 5 days away.

World Cup Group H

Ah the final group, the final group to make a bad joke at, and well maybe incite some soccer errr football knowledge to those of you that don't really follow the game at all. But that doesn't mean I won't have some fun with this group, no really I'm going to enjoy poking fun at the poor saps in this one. Firstly you have Spain, part of the iberian failure, then you have Ukraine, which is still trying to find some nuclear energy. Then Tunisia, who are always busy doing well at world cups, or atleast qualifying for them, and lastly Saudi Arabia, which is usually a goalfest waiting to happen, for the other team that is. So let's go get some oil and solve that energy crisis that Ukraine has been facing ever since Spain espionage blow up there plant... yes that's right I blame Spain.

Saudi Arabia aka Oil and Goal Galore
Yup that basically sums up Saudi Arabia, lots of money, lots of goals to be scored on the lack of defense. Just to make myself perfectly clear, look at what Iraq did to them in 2005, not much has changed since then, or in the last 10 years for that matter.

So what should we expect then in the group phase, well how about another 3 and out for them, it's really simple, they just don't have the talent, and my theme of the Asian nations getting too many spots shows up here again, as this will be another disaster for Saudi Arabia. There one bright spot is the development of Yaser Al Kahtani who is slowly but surely becoming a very solid Asian player. But again, if you are betting oil on Saudi, expect to start giving it away

Spain aka Loads of talent, lack of wanting to play
Well here is loveable Spain, when I mean loveable I mean the biggest choke artists around, and to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way this time around. They have been migthy quiet as of late, which is a first for me. Usually everyone is ranting about spain, they did qualify pretty well in a tough group with Serbia, and got there win at home, but then their lies the problem, they can't win away, and if the tournament was in Spain I would give it to them. Mind you the weather conditions may be good enough for them, not too warm, not too cold in Germany at this time of the year, maybe a little too wet, but that's cause they like to whine.

With Raul, Torres, Xavi and Iniestra the Spanish have a chance to do really well, but if history tells us anything, and for the most part it's usually correct the Spanish won't win the tournament and will find some famous way to implode.

Tunisia aka We roll right through Africa
Okay here's the team that will qualify for the round of 16, it's their time to surprise the world and be the team that every bandwagon jumper will cheer for. With the fact that they are from Africa, and I've been unable to pick a team, I'm glad to finally make my selection. The player Santos will be a dangerous young individual, who posses a knack for getting the ball into the net. Ali Boumnijel the 40 year old keeper will be the 5 oldest player to ever play in Germany, while he is long in the ears, he will be able to make up with his talent of saving the ball. So while I won't beat this horse to death, expect big things from the nation known as Tunisia, they will do what Turkey can't do this world cup.

Ukraine aka Radiation makes us stronger
Two words: Andriy Shevchenko

Yes the man is dynamite, even on a bad ESPN commercial, and with that expect him to come flying into the world cup. He's a goal scorer, and probobly the most profilic one around right now, yes big words I use, but the Ukraine would not be in this tournament without him. That being said though, the Ukraine showed alot of balls by being the second team to qualify for the tournament and actually showed us, that they can in fact play soccer as a team and have more than this the Sheva to push them through. Serhiy Rebrov will be in charge of getting Sheva the ball and expect alot of counter attacking football from this squad. Alot like how they qualified for the world cup in the first place. Counter with Sheva and you can win. As long as the radiation treatments keep going they have a shot of being a big surprise and going far in the tournament.

1. Ukraine
2. Tunisia
3. Spain
4. Saudi Arabia

World Cup Group G

Ah get those bars of soap up it must mean we are on to unclean Frenchman, with there pastries and loads of hair. But they do get to have a chocolate bath in the group. As the Swiss are always happy to supply the chocolate, and apparently the woman in this world cup... yeah more on that advertisement campaign later. Also those pesky, buying refs, quick witted Koreans are back again to give us some Park action. And to end the group off, why not some colonization by the French with Togo. Yes they found there slaves as well, as it was neatly pointed out to me by my Portugeuse counterpart. So lock up your wives so they aren't swindled buy some pickpocketing Korean who is visiting Togo.

France aka We surrender
Well they have to get the old guards back for this world cup qualification. Apparently without them France will play every game to a 0-0 draw. Sadly Ireland decided to screw up and let them win away which allowed France to qualify for the world cup. I was quite dissapointed as I was hoping not to have make any bath jokes, or what is a bar of soap jokes for my france pals. But alas here they are, with the old guards of Zidane, Henry, Viera and Makelele back for another ride. It was expected that only Henry and Makelele would have been back for this tournament, but some guys just can't give up and want to repeat glory. Hate to say it though, France is too old, too slow and won't end up winning the world cup. It's not there time, and the tournament is not being hosted in your own country. While I do expect them to cause trouble as they are France, I expect them to scurry with there tails behind there legs when they decided to only play up and down the field and forget about working the wings, as only Henry has the speed to break and defense up.

Korea Republic aka the south part owned by the US
Well Korea is back for another round of qualification, again it has something to do with that easy Asian qualification. But to be fair the Koreans are in a great mood, cause well they could get out of this easy group. The problem though is, they like Hiddink and their fans to get them to the next round this time. There friendly schedule as of late has been pretty easy, but in that time they have managed only 1 win, and a load of draws and a loss today, so really I don't think this is the same team that we saw in the previous world cup. Park the Man U striker will be in top form and should be able to get alot of goals against Togo. My fav. defender in Lee, will be all over the park like he usual is, causing a disruption, not the best defender, but great at streaking up the wing and creating chances. In the end Korea will have to hope for some US artillery to get through the group phase in Germany.

Switzerland aka we will take care of the woman during the world cup
Yes here comes the greatest ad campaign of all time, or the most freak, click here to watch and scream if you have a wife. But that's not the only thing that Switzerland has going for them this world cup. They get to play France again, like the teams haven't seen enough of each other, it's actually developing into a Czech vs Dutch rivalry, which is always good for those neutral Swiss. The Swiss had to play a play in game to qualify against the Turks, which ended in a brawl at the end of the game, and sadly for the Turks a 5 game ban from playing at home and atleast 500 miles from the country, or was it 200, I forget, but that's not a pretty ban. The Swiss got through without much of a penalty, except for a suspension to one of their players. The Swiss are lead by their striker Alexander Frei who has been on fire as of late, scoring goals with reckless abandonment, someone should tell him he's supposed to score for both teams for the games to stay neutral. With a midfield of Vogel, Cabanas and Wicky the Swiss will have the veteran leadership they need to go far in the tournament.

Togo aka How did we qualify
Yes my fav. African nation this world cup has to be Togo. Just because they have such low expectations, the team somehow qualified for the world cup by knocking out expected group winner Senegal. So what expectations do we have now of this African nation, how about just getting a goal would be a good first logical step for this team. If they can come out of this tournament with a goal and even a point it will help them out. The country is in an uproar and proud that their nation qualified, suffice to say though they don't expect to win the world cup as this may be the weakest team of the bunch that qualified. In the end they are just glad to be here and hopefully can do some damage. Emmanuel Sheyi Adebayor will be expected to bring that much wanted goal to the Togo nation, he was the important striker that brought the demise of Senegal. So if they do win a game I will have to go purchase a Togo jersey and jump on the bandwagon with everyone else.
This is all that Togo needs to do...

1. Swiss
2. France
3. Korea
4. Togo